This part was fuzzy

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After what happened with Jack I had to tell Zambovia everything. It just had to be done.No matter how much I wanted, that woman just isn't the same. I almost feel like I prefer it more when she is being untruthful and mad than this motherly figure she is trying to behold.My nerves are feeling like somebody is pinching them. I feel so wrong I...I don't know what is going on I .. It feels like every cell of my existence is trying to burst into flames. The sensation is not pleasant .  Somehow I can feel the temperature rising in the room. Everything is so burning hot. I can't control it anymore it... Fire clashed from my hands.Eyes like two supernovas urging to make everything they see go into flame. Ashes to ashes ,dust to dust I finally understand what it means. Again my powers came to me. It is not hard to realize that after I saw that the whole room is on fire. WHAT HAVE I DONE! This part was fuzzy ! But then..

Zamboiva: Artemis for the love of God say something!!!

Me: What? ...What happened? 

Zambovia:  You were fine and you started telling me all these crazy stuff, and then started shaking ,rolling your eyes vividly ,and then just fell on the ground and wrote this..(she pointed her finger on to the floor and there were 3 signs that non of them knew what they meant..but somehow I did)    Do you know what does it mean A?

(Zambovia started calling me A because she couldn't remember to call me Artemis instead of Angelica,so I called her Z and Daniel ..Dan)

Me: I really don't know what it means..              (I lied but I couldn't tell them,especially while Jack is there)

Jack: You know are not a good liar !

Me: Or you are not good at understanding the truth ,but I don't blame you since there is a lack of it lately !

Jack: Ha Ha very funny ...  but you are not the one to talk ,or you have forgotten that I can  sense the smell of lies too  

Me: Noo I have not (I did actually ) Listen I do not know what it means  but I can tell you it ain't good.

Jack: There we can agree!

Me: So now that everyone knows everything (not even close) what are we waiting for..


Me: It is time to leave this place ,and I know the exactly where to go next!

One last look at the signs on the floor I draw while having a flash of a possible future. I know that what I saw was real ,some where , in some time, some dimension . So I decided to go where it all started ,but I know they won't like it. We are going to the Dark angels kingdom... We are going to San Diego!

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