Who is Elenore?

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(Sunny forest. Green grass and flowers all over. It was a beautiful scene)

*hahahah stop it schmuck ! You know what will happen if they see us here... *

*I don't care red head! I will never leave you!*

*I love you Flin, so so much!*

*I love you too Elenore!*

(two gun shots echoed through my ears , beautiful scene was now covered in blood, the lovers were dead )

Me: AGH! ( I woke up drenched in sweat, heavy breath took a swing I could hardly breathe) 

Z:Are you good A?

Me: I am fine ,just a bad dream...

Z: You have been having a lot of them lately ,is everything ok?

Me: Not really, I have been having the same dream for nights now...Two lovers,music ,darkness, death...It's probably because of the turbulent days of my life,nothing to be afraid of. My tiredness took a toll on me...(Actually I don't know why I said that to her,it didn't feel like a normal dream, it felt like the dream about my wings,more like a memory then a dream)

Z: Amm A. did it feel like a dream or something else?

Me: What do you mean? ( Oh sh*t she knows something, now I have to find out what,can my life just pause for a second?)

Z: When you were dreaming ,you kept chanting in that language non of us knows, so I maybe that wasn't just a dream...

Me: ( I chanted.... why did I do that?What did I even say?) Do you remember what I was chanting?

Z: Not sure ,but it went something like .. Elenore és la clau per a tot, trobar-los abans de morir

Me:(Elenore is the key to it all, find them before they die) I need to find Elenore!

Z: Who is Elenore?

Me: I don't know...

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