yes baby

128 10 3

2700 words, just a little oneshot to get me back to writing hehe

YOONGI HATED parties, he hardly ever went to any. The music was loud, everything was loud and people were just so gross and sweaty it made Yoongi want to vomit.

This said, he didn't particularly dislike the party he was currently at. Soft, classical music was playing in the background, caressing his ear buds sweetly as he served himself a glass of champagne. He knew only a handful of the people there, but recognized all of them, mostly. He was at his 10 years highschool reunion and it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. It surprisingly wasn't nearly as similar as the parties he used to get dragged to when a teenager and he guessed that Namjoon had something to do with it, since he was the one that organized the whole event. Kim Namjoon, an old highschool acquaintance, currently second world chess champion, stupidly rich—he guessed, by the quality of the wine he was drinking.

Everything would have been perfect, if people he hardly remembered of would stop coming up to him, acting all friendly—because Yoongi hated that—talking to people and people acting friendly, he thought it was gross. He thought everything was gross, honestly.

Yoongi was a successful producer, known worldwide, he'd made songs for the most famous artists. He hadn't expected this much people to know about him that night, he wasn't much on social medias thus making him not well acquaintanced with how popular he had become. People quickly noticed that they would get nothing from him, however, being the aggraved asocial he was.

So he finally had peace.

Yoongi took a seat as he gently hummed to Vivaldi's Summer, his fingers rolling to imaginary piano keys as well. Maybe it was the good alcohol in his system but he had hardly felt this comfortable in a while. He had even taken a bottle of Châteaux Le Pin from the bar with him. He was already very tipsy—let's be honest; drunk. It was Hoseok's fault, "Arriving to a party tipsy is always funnier," he'd said, but clearly, he had been wrong. This was nothing like the parties he attended in highschool, and he wasn't complaining. However the facts were that—he arrived to the party tipsy out of his mind, drank a lot of wine (no one blamed him, it was so fucking good) and now he was drunk. Definitely. Yoongi didn't stand alcohol well, he could sense it, that he was staring to get unwell, slightly, his head was buzzing. It was all Hoseok's fault, always his fault, next time Yoongi saw him he'd—

"Hello," Kim Namjoon greeted him as he took a seat next to him in the very expensive but as equally soft armchair next to his.

Yoongi didn't bother opening his eyelids as he replied, "Hi." politely. It was then silent for a while. He didn't know why Namjoon was there, he surely never listened to the songs he produced, judging by the music in the background. What did he want from Yoongi ?

"I wasn't expecting you here." He smiled, dimples showing off, while sipping his red wine.

"I was dragged here." like he had been to every single party he attended in his life, he wanted to add. "This party is nicer than I envisaged, however." he quipped honestly.

"Thank you," he replied. It was weird how anything coming out of his mouth sounded more—rafined, Yoongi thought. Why was he thinking about such weird stuff ?

"People are staring at you."

"People have been staring at me ever since I got there." he spit, venom clear in his tone. He was too drunk for this shit.

Kim Namjoon laughed, in a way that meant 'sucks to be you' and it nearly made Yoongi grunt, but he was too lazy to react. Kim Namjoon scanned the room once more, "Kim Taehyung is giving you the bedroom eyes."

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