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Betty POV
"Mom where are we going?" I ask looking away from my window.

"Southside." She answers normally.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"You're sixteen now." She says.


"It's time."

"For what?" I lay my head back on the window.

"You'll see."

We pull into a park space. I see some people in leather jackets standing in front of a bar. I open the door and get out. I look at the people and notice they're all my friends. Kevin Keller, Veronica Lodge, and Archie Andrews. I also see Reggie Mantle and Cheryl Blossom. I walk to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mom walks right next to me.

"Come on Betty." She walks inside. I follow her confused.
She sits in a booth next to a boy and I'm guessing his father. I slide in next to her. I look around at all the people watching us.

"Mom?" I look at her. The boy looks angry.

"Betty," she sighs. "This is FP. And this is Jughead. He's the future king of the Serpents."

"So what are we doing here?" I ask. "And why are my friends outside?"

"You're friends," she looks worried, "Are Southside Serpents."

"What?" I look behind me at my friends standing near the door.

"And they were assigned to protect you." I look back at her.


"Because you're gonna be the queen." I look at her confused. "And it was dangerous."

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because you're one by blood. You have the blood of the founding families. So does he." I look at the boy. I figure out what she means and quickly stand up.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell. "I don't even know him." I turn to my friends in the black leather jackets. "Are you really my best friends?"

"Yes B, we just had to protect you." Veronica says stepping closer.

"So you lied! I've known you since preschool and you lied to me about who you are? About who I am!" She reaches for my hand, "No Veronica don't touch me!" I run out of the bar. I don't stop running until I reach a trailer park. I sit on the ground and cry.

Veronica POV
FP walks to the stage and starts talking, "We gotta find Betty. She could get hurt. Veronica and Cheryl come in my office."

Me and Cheryl follow FP into the office and sit on the couch. "Do we know who the mole is?" FP says running his fingers through his hair.

"We think it's Penny and Tall Boy." Cheryl says.

"We've been hearing whispers of Penny being their dealer. And Tall Boy feeding them info." I add.

"Do they know you two are moles?" He asks.

"No. We never see them in the den." I say. "Are we gonna be okay?" I ask walking to his desk.

"I don't know." He answers. I nod.

"I'm gonna go find out more from Daddy." I say and walk out. I remove my jacket and hand it to Alice who puts it into the special closet.

Jughead POV
"Ronnie where are you going?" I ask her. She drags me by arm to the corner.

"I'm going to spy. Daddy tells me everything." I see she's holding something back.

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