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3rd Person POV
"Baby!" Alice yells running to Betty's side.

"Oh my god!" Veronica screams. "Her cut! Jug check her scar!" Jughead turns her over and lifts her shirt.

"We need and ambulance!" Alice hollers.

Soon sirens are screaming louder as they come closer. They take her away and Jughead and Alice get in with her. Alice stares at her child hoping she survives.

They get to the hospital and the doctors rush her inside. Jughead goes to the waiting room and rips off his beanie then starts running his fingers through his jet black locks. He hears fast footsteps pacing around and focuses on them, losing touch with the world around him, getting lost in his thoughts.

"Jughead," he hears making him zone back into reality. He looks up to FP. "Boy, come on. We can see her." Jughead stands immediately and follows his father to the room. He puts on his beanie before sitting at Betty's side.

"Will she survive?" Alice asks the doctor.

"We don't know for sure, but she's doing okat for a cut that deep," Dr. Masters states, "Coax her back with happy memories." Jughead sighs being unable to think of any at the moment. Veronica walks to the other side of the blonde.

Veronica POV
"B," I sigh thinking, "I remember the day we met like it was yesterday." I smile, "You were this ray of sunshine and had the prettiest smile. I was sitting on the panda chair playing with a toy all alone.

"My day wasn't going as I'd hoped and you came up to me and said, 'I'm Betty and you're my new best friend.'" Everyone chuckles and I smirk, "And I nodded agreeing and gave you the toy in my hand. It was a Barbie doll and you threw it across the room. I asked why and you answered, 'I don't like fake people.'

"I rolled my eyes and you added, 'Barbie tells girls that you must be skinny and wear makeup. Basically that what she looks like is perfect. It's wrong.'" A tear falls down, "And then you went to get the Barbie and came back putting the doll to my arm and said, 'You're skin is perfect and real.' And I just smiled at you hoping you'd never leave." I finish, "Don't leave." I tell her letting more tears fall. Archie pulls me away and kneels closer to her.

Archie POV
"You taught me how to read, Betty." I state, "And you were my first ever best friend, and you even convinced me that liking Justin Bieber wasn't gay. I remember in middle school everyone was talking about their first kiss and when they want to lose their virginity." I smile at the adult's faces.

"You were talking with Ronnie about some dude and how she kissed him but he wasn't her first. You guys asked who my first kiss was and I wouldn't answer. You kept pushing me to tell you when we were walking home and I finally said I hadn't had one. So you turned to me giggling.

"'I had one. It was so weird and I couldn't stop laughing after. It sucked and was horrible,' you said to me. Then you started walking again but after a while of comfortable silence you turned to me and said, 'Archie Andrews, you are now a boy who has kissed a girl.' And you placed your hands on my cheeks and kissed my lips."

I chuckle, "And I had thought I loved you after that. But when I told you that a week later you told me, 'You're a crazy little redhead,' and slapped me then asked, 'Do you still love me?' I nodded but said, 'It kinda feels like a friendly love now.' You nodded smiling and went back to your homework." Everyone laughs.

Polly POV
I sit on the floor next to Betty and rest my chin on the bed next to her head. "Betty, you're my sister and when you first said I love you it was a moment to remember. You were only fifteen months and I was playing with you in the nursery. We had the blocks and I was teaching you text language." I giggle, "Then I put down I, L, and Y.

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