Half Blood Brothers

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"Oh my god," Cheryl breathes out.

"What?" Jug asks. I look at him.

"When did you put a shirt on?"

"You're my sibling."

"Huh?" I walk behind her and read. "That's awesome. Am I rich now?" I ask Mom. She rolls her eyes.

"I've always wanted a sister."

"Me too!" I hug her from behind.

"Betty!" Polly yells at me.

"Sorry." I smirk and remove my arms from Cheryl.

"Wait so Clifford is your dad?" Jug asks. I look at Cheryl and she nods.

"Does this mean I can't marry you?" I ask sounding sad.

"Wait you want to?" Toni asks excited. I shrug. "Kev she didn't say no!" They squeal and I laugh at them.

"You're the only one that can marry him now. It could go to shreds if you don't." Mom says. "But," She takes the paper from Cheryl, "No one can ever know you're a Ghoulie by blood." She looks at all of us, "Understood?" We all nod. She tears the paper in half.

"Can I tell Jason?" Cheryl asks.

"Wait who?" I ask.

"Cheryl, if Veronica isn't gonna be queen anymore," Mom sighs and Cheryl frowns.

"So it's gonna be him and," she stops.

"What?" I ask so lost.

"If it wasn't me who marries him, it's gonna be Ginger."

"That bitch is a Ghoulie?" She nods.

"And one of the worst. Malachi cheated on Ronnie with her."

"Their love affair." V scoffs and walks out. I want to follow but I stay.

"Who is Jason?" I ask Cheryl.

"My twin. He doesn't wanna be a Ghoulie either. But he doesn't have the courage to do what I did."

"Great two brothers in less than a week." I fall onto a chair.

"Are you mad?" Cheryl asks.

"Why would I be."

"You have three siblings that you've never known."

"Bigger family. I can't be mad."

"What is my problem?" Mom says walking out.

"Mom," Polly follows her.

What if I go to the Ghoulie den and get some more info? Don't be stupid you don't even know where it is. But you're smart Betty, you'll figure it out.

"Betty," I look at Jug.


"You good?" Reg asks. I nod.

"Just, in my thoughts."

"Sick!" Kev yells.

"What?" Cheryl asks annoyed.

"You're coming back to school with me!" Josie hands her a paper.

"Confused." I say.

"God Betty, you bring the mail in and don't even open it?" Cheryl shakes her head smirking as she reads. She starts smiling. Jug snatches it from her and him and Reg read it.

"Oh thank God." Reg says.

"You're very welcome." Cheryl says and Kev rolls his eyes. Josie, Toni, and I laugh.

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