Important Dates

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"What happened?" Jug asks when we pull away from the kiss.

"I tried to do the right thing." I frown. "Without getting in trouble. Didn't work."

"Well," he sighs, "There's always another way." I smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"We don't have to go out tomorrow. We could try and get rid of this terrible teacher."

"Jug," I put my hands back on his cheeks, "If you don't take me out soon, V will kill you." I pull his face down to me and lean up so our lips meet.

"B," I hear a happy squeal, "My hearts gonna burst!" I laugh pulling away from Jug.

"You're acting like Kev right now." I say looking at her huge smile.

"I know! I gotta send him this pic." I furrow my eyebrows. She starts typing on her phone walking back to our parents.

"Veronica did you take a picture of us kissing?" She doesn't answer, "Veronica!" I go to her.

V, Toni, Kev, and Cheryl are all sitting on my bed waiting to see what I'm wearing. I walk out the bathroom and they all groan making me laugh. I'm wearing spaghetti strap short overalls and a pink shirt.

"How did you find that in all the clothes we bought?" Cheryl whines.

"Do you really think Jughead cares what I look like?" I ask pulling my shoes on.

"No. But we do." Toni says.

"Guys I don't even know where we're going. How am I suppose to dress." I ask standing.

"Hotter than that." V comes to me. "Let me pick out something." She pleads. I shake my head and she frowns.

"What's the time?" I ask Kev.

"Six forty five." He says and shows me his phone screen.

"Is that me and Jug?" I ask. He nods and I shake my head smirking at how my friends want this relationship to happen more than me.

"Hobo's downstairs." Cheryl tells me.

"Okay. See you guys later." I walk downstairs to the living room and see all the boys sitting on the couch watching sports.

"Get me out of here." I tell Jug, "My friends are crazy."

"You're telling me." He stands up and walks to me, "There yelling at TV like the players can actually hear them." I laugh.

"That's football fans for ya." I grab his hand and pull him outside. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere beautiful." He gets on his bike. "You're actually dressed perfectly for it." I smile and get on behind him.

We ride to a part of Riverdale I've never been before. He gets off and takes off my helmet after his. "Where are we?" I ask getting off the bike.

"You'll see." He grabs my hand.

"You want me to walk up there?" I ask when he stops.

"No, you'll run." He says sarcastically, "Or skip." I roll my eyes. "You can get on my back."

"Okay." I put my hands on his shoulders and jump. I wrap my Legs around his waist and my arms on his neck.

"Don't choke me to death," he puts his hands under my thighs so I don't fall.

"We'll see." He chuckles and starts walking and I rest my chin on his shoulder.

We get there soon. "That wasn't as long as I thought." I jump down.

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