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December 16
"But, Juggie, will you please tell me what you're getting me?" I whine.

"Nope, see you later." His face slips from my hands as he walks away.

"Bye," I wave, "I love you."

"Right back at you." He gets on the bike.

I go inside the diner. "Hey, Pop."

"Hey, where's your lover?" I smile.

"Going to help get the tree." I sit on the stool.

"Don't you usually pick it out?" I nod.

"But not this year. I want to be surprised."

"Ah, yes. The happiness of coming home to a fully decorated tree."

"Yeah," I smile big, "Does Mrs. Tate surprise you with one?"

"Every time."

"That's sweet. True love,"

"Pathetic." I turn to see a woman standing at the door.

"Excuse me?"

"Love is fake. Those who believe in it are pathetic." She says.

"Pardon me for saying but, you're wrong." I examine her, "Who are you?"

"Gladys." That sounds familiar.

"You are not welcome in here." Pop says.

"Awe, I don't care." She walks to me. "You look so much like your mother." She pushes the hair out my face.

"You know my mom?"

"I wouldn't say 'know'. More like, she hates me."

"What, why?"

"I'm the reason she isn't queen." She chuckles. "I convinced FP to cheat. Though it wasn't hard, he put up a small fight. So bow down bitch. Southside is my kingdom. And you're not marrying my son." I get up and rush out.

Dammit I shoulda brought my bike. I run all the way home. God that's tiring. I try to open the door but it's locked. Who the fuck locks the door at day time. I bang on it. Polly answers it and I run past her to Mom's room.

"You were supposed to marry FP?" I yell turning the TV off.

"What are you going on about?" She asks putting her book down.

"You and FP. Mom, aren't you a pure blood? How am I supposed to marry Jug? I'm a fucking Blossom!"

"Betty, calm down." She stands. "Your Smith blood trumps the Blossom blood. And yes, I was supposed to marry FP but he got Gladys pregnant and chose her. By the time she had a miscarriage I already moved to the Northside."

"Wait go back. A miscarriage?"

"Yeah." She sighs, "Then I met Hal and soon got pregnant with Polly."

"Mom, this shit is messing with me! I can't keep up with all of it!"

"Betty, what made you bring this up?"

"Gladys, she's at Pop's."

"Wait, what?" She leaves the room.

"Mom!" The door slams shut. First time I haven't jumped.

I walk to my room and lay on the bed. I place my hands on my chest like a dead person and start thinking.

Jughead POV
I walk in my room and see Betty.
"Are you alive?" I ask. Her head turns to me.

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