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Betty POV
Mom isn't home for the week so me V, Toni, Kevin, Cheryl, and Josie who turns out to also be a Serpent are at my house having a sleepover for the whole time. We're sitting on the floor on top of pillows in a circle in my room with snacks. We're all in pajamas. Well sorta. I'm wearing a pink onesie, Toni is wearing and oversized shirt Going down low on her thighs, Josie is in a cropped shirt with astronaut written on it and shorts, Cheryl is wearing silk royal blue shirt and shorts they must be a match. And Veronica's looks very similar to her's with dark purple shirt and high rise pants showing half her calves. Both the shirts have spaghetti straps but Veronica is covering her shoulders with her robe because she's cold. Kevin is wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants. I really like how the shirt says '2gay4u'.

"Can we please talk about Jughead." V whines.

"As long as you have a crush on him." I say not wanting to talk.

"B, please." She pleads.

"It's not like saying no is gonna stop you guys." Ronnie claps.

"Before we do," Cheryl stands up and walks to my window. She opens it, "Fucking creep!" She screams at Reggie. She closes it and shuts the curtains. We all laugh as she sits down.

"Okay so how do you feel when you think about him." Kev asks.

"Happy." I shrug.

"What do you think about him?" Toni asks. I shrug again. "Betty Do we need to play the game?"

"Fuck no." They laugh.

"What game?" Josie asks.

"I say a word and she says the first thing that comes to mind." Toni tells her.

"I hate it."

"Because it made her feelings known."

"Shut up."

"Who's arms do you want to hold you more, Reg or Archie?" Kev asks.

"Gag." I answer.

"Choose." Toni says.

"Um," I think, "Well Reggie's got a softer side and Archie quite literally stabbed me in the back."


"Reggie I guess."

"Who do you want to make you breakfast Toni or Sweetpea?" V asks.

"Toni." I smile at my newest bestie.

"Who are you gay for?" Cheryl asks.

"Veronica Lodge." I smile.

"My lil Beronica heart." Kev puts his hand on his heart.

We keep talking until it's midnight then go to watch a scary movie. Veronica and Josie are snuggled up with Kev. Cheryl and Toni sitting next to them but not cuddling with each other. I can tell they want to but they're simply sharing a cover. I'm on the red recliner that goes well with the color of the couch. They're a matching set. I'm snuggled up in my blanket all comfy. It'll suck if I have to pea.
"Medea Boo?" Veronica asks hold the remote to the TV.

"Not scary enough." Cheryl says. Veronica keeps scrolling down.

"That one!" Josie point to Child's Play.

"Kay." V clicks play.

Far into the movie there's a knock on the door. We all jump. "Betty go get it." V says.

"What why me? You're the ones assigned to protecting me."

"We're scared." Cheryl says. Toni laughs at how Cheryl is clinging to her.

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