Tragedy to Ruin It

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You know those days when everything seems to be going perfectly. I'm having one of those right now. Me and Jug are at Pop's right now. All our friends are out of drama. Our parents are planning something at the Wrym. Choni is ongoing so Kev is happy. Jug and Toni haven't smoked in eleven days. And it's my birthday. December 14th. Yay!

"Jug, what are you doing?"


"If you give me a hickey I'll kill you." He chuckles against my neck. "Or worse, my mom will." He shrugs and continues. He mumbles something. "Huh?"

"When do we have to be at the Wrym?"

"I don't know. Eight." He nods. "Juggie, stop." I push his head away. He pouts. "What is so good about my neck?"

"It tastes good." He shrugs.

"You're such a weirdo." His hands go to my cheeks and he kisses me.

After a while I hear a happy voice singing, "Goals!" I pull away and look at V.

"What?" Jug asks rudely.

"I brought presents!" She squeals.

"I don't-"

"Just, open it." I sigh and take the box. I unwrap it and open the box to reveal another box. "You didn't think it was gonna be easy, did you?" I smirk and continue opening it.

When I finished going through ten boxes I get to a really small one. I smile opening it to reveal a charm bracelet. "V," I whine happily.

"It symbolizes all your friends." She takes it, "The football for Reg, guitar for Archiekins, knife for Sweets, teeth for Fangs, pink snake for Toni, lipstick for Cherry, collar for Kev, crown for Jug, and two milkshakes for me and you." I smile big. "Oh and the silver snake for ya know."

"You do the most." I say as she puts it on my wrist. She nods.

"You didn't mention the V." Jug says.

"Well it's obvious."

"For Vermin."

"Rot in hell."

"You sure you're not a Blossom?" She kicks him under the table.

"I'll leave you to your make out sesh." she stands, "Don't let him have the power." She walks off.

"I'm not listening to her." I say and kiss him again giving him the power.

We enter the bar and there's a loud, "SURPRISE!" I'm more shocked that I didn't know. Mom always tells me I was born a month earlier at eight o'clock exactly. Well, that's the first time she held me.

"Hello," I wave.

"Present time!" Polly squeals.

"I just got here." I say as a question.

"I can't wait! Come on!" Toni pulls me to the garage.

"Guys, what is it?" Kev starts laughing, "What?"

"I don't know." He goes to Toni. "Are you ready?" I nod questionably.

"Shaboom!" Toni pulls the tarp off revealing a black and gold motorcycle with my name carved in pink in the gold.

"Oh my God." I gasp.

"You like?" Polly asks.

"I love." I nod and go to it. Toni hands me my helmet.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mom says.

"Hi," Jug waves. She rolls her eyes.

"You have to learn to ride."

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