{Chapter Three}

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   Lauren was proud to drive her new car to the airport to pick up Jake. They made secret plans so they could greet each other alone without a crowd of family around. She honestly didn't care, but Jake seemed to think it was important. She got a weird squirming feeling in her stomach when she thought about his voice on the phone the last time they spoke to one another. Would he propose? His parents had settled down at their age so it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. She wasn't sure what she would say. She would have to say no, right? She was too young. A lot of friends her age at church were engaged or married already. One had a kid on the way. She thought it was all happening too quickly, and she hoped he wouldn't force her hand.

  She hated thinking about breaking up with him. Jake was by far the best boyfriend she ever had. Well, he was one of three boyfriends, and neither of them lasted over three months, but Jake was different. They were friends first, and she liked spending time with him. She sometimes wondered if distance was the reason they lasted so long though. Lauren thought it was nice having a long distance boyfriend. She enjoyed getting letters, late night phone calls, and she enjoyed knowing someone was out there thinking of her. Monroe always said she was jealous when Lauren would show her the latest post card he sent her or a hand-made bead necklaces and various trinkets from his travels that she would display on her dresser.

  The airport was crowded, and she felt that funny feeling in her stomach as she stood waiting for him. She wore her pink sundress even though Ruth said that redheads shouldn't wear pink, but Lauren loved pink. It was also the color she had been wearing when they first met, and she always wore pink to greet him. It was one of their small traditions that meant so much a world apart from one another. She stood with her feet rooted in place as people passed her speaking in different languages, and she half-wished she brought her family anyway. She hated waiting alone.

  Finally she saw him. He was coming towards her, but he didn't see her yet. He was tan, and his freckles were darker than usual while his messy dark blonde hair was smoothed down even though it was usually sticking up all over the place. She liked it messy better, she thought. He was wearing his usual uniform of khakis and a nice t-shirt, and he was looking around in search of Lauren.

  "Jake!" She finally found her voice even though a part of her felt like running. She couldn't believe herself. She couldn't wait to see him all summer, but now she wanted to run and hide? She couldn't analyze the feeling though as he quickly scooped her up in his arms and hugged her so tightly she wondered if he would leave bruises. She could feel the eyes of other people around them. She could see a few smiling at the sweet scene of the handsome boy lifting the redhead girl in the pink dress off her feet and spinning her around.

  "You look beautiful," he said; his eyes shining as he held her.

  "You look wonderful too," she said; laughing. "But put me down please!"

  "Sorry," he sheepishly said as he set her back on the ground. "I couldn't help myself. I've been thinking of this moment for months. Isn't it nice there aren't tons of family members snapping pictures this time? I was too scared to even kiss you last time."

  "It is," she mumbled as he leaned in to kiss her even though she had told him several times she didn't like public displays of affection, but he always said she was being silly. No one cared, he said. It was nice to show their love to the world. He wrapped his arms around her as he pressed his mouth against hers, and she tried to return the passion, but she felt awkward and was glad when it ended. She quickly distracted him by telling him about her new car which was to be a surprise. He was appropriately impressed although he wanted to drive it home.

  "It's my car. I'm driving."

  "Are you going to be like this when we're married?"

  "I'm driving," Lauren said; ignoring the marriage mention. "That's final."

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