{Chapter Twenty-Three}

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   School and work kept Lauren from having time to see Joan the next few days. Valentine's Day was on Friday. Lauren received a card, and a dozen roses that Jake had apparently ordered for her months ahead of time. He got her the same flowers for her birthday so it wasn't that surprising, but it was nice. 

  It made her smile as Ruth fussed, and said she was jealous. Alex and Ruth agreed to no presents since they were saving their money for the wedding, and furniture for their house. The couple were going to make dinner together at Alex's house and watch a movie. 

  It sounded nice to Lauren although she knew her sister was disappointed as last year Alex filled the entire living room of their house with red roses, and he had come to the door with a red rose, a limo, and he had taken her to a concert of her favorite band and dinner at a nice restaurant. She still hadn't stopped talking about it. 

  "It's fun for kids," Ruth said when Lauren showed her the dress she was wearing to the Valentine's dance.

  "I'm dateless so I'm going with Monroe," Lauren said as she sat down at the breakfast table. "Wren is bringing Henry, and I don't know if Hope is going with anyone."

  "You must miss Jake."

  "I do, but I'm proud of him. Plus I get to spend time with Monroe, and I'm not a huge Valentine's Day person anyway."

  "Those roses are spectacular though."

  "Nothing like Alex got you last year, but I really like them," Lauren said, and she smiled as she touched one of the rose petals.

  She put the roses in water, and then she went upstairs to dress for her morning class. Ruth left for school, and her parents were gone so Lauren was surprised when she heard a knock at the door. No one came over at this time. 

  She pulled her yellow sweater on over her favorite white skirt, and she went down the stairs. No one was there. She opened the door and sitting on the door mat was a beautiful brown teddy bear with a card and a box of her favorite turtle chocolates. The card read 'Lauren.' She opened it, and it was a hand-made card from Joan.

  "I never make Valentine's Day cards, but I saw this bear at the store, and I thought of you. I guess it isn't that inventive of an idea... a teddy bear, or chocolates, but I know you're a fan of the classics. I hope you have a great day, Lauren. 

 Love, Joan."

  Lauren was touched. She looked around, and she saw Joan stirring around the corner of the house. She had a smile on her face. She looked sheepish and adorable in her jean jacket and a pleated gray skirt. She had on her favorite yellow tights and polka dotted rain boots that Lauren was always making fun of, but she secretly adored it when Joan wore them.

  "I love it," Lauren said as Joan came out from hiding. "It's so cute. I love stuffed animals."

  "I know." Joan admitted. "You would."

  Lauren grinned, and then it faded. "I didn't get you anything. I'm sorry."

  "It's alright," Joan said awkwardly. "I wasn't going to, but then I saw it, and...."

  "I'm just kidding!" Lauren laughed as she saw the sad look on Joan's face that she was clearly trying to mask. "I have it upstairs. Come on."

    "You are such a jerk," Joan said with a sigh as she followed Lauren into the house, but they were laughing.

  They went upstairs, and Lauren got out the card, the pink stuffed rabbit she bought and some candy. The rabbit had purple stars all over a tiny pink sweater, and she had thought of Joan when she had seen it the day she was picking out a card for Jake. 

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