{Chapter Ten}

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  "Why isn't your phone on?" Monroe demanded as she came into the Antique Button where Lauren was working the next afternoon. "I've been texting and calling you all day. I even stopped by your house. Your Mom told me you were working."

  "Why didn't you just call the store?"

  "I can never remember our number," Monroe said with a sigh as she kicked off her heels. "Ugh, those shoes kill my feet, but they're so cute."

  "It sounds like you got some real problems there."

  "I really do!" Monroe grinned as she hopped on the counter; Lauren was sitting behind the register and doing homework on her laptop. "So why is your phone off? I've been trying to call you all day 'cause Ruth wants us to get together to put the finishing touches on the engagement party. It's in a week, you know?"

 "I know."

 "And they're looking for houses at the same time. She's going to be exhausted."

 "I know."

  "We're all meeting tonight at my house."

  Lauren hadn't stopped thinking about Wren and Henry all day. "So Wren and Hope are both coming?"

  "Of course," Monroe said. "So can you come?"

  "I have a lot of homework."

  "It can wait," Monroe said. "I'm completely loaded down with homework and volunteer stuff, but this party is really important to Ruth."

  "I think I'm getting that since she talks about it twenty-four seven."

  "Bit of the green-eyed monster?" Monroe smirked as she massaged her sore feet. "It must be harder for you since you guys are sisters and all. I'm sorry if we talk about it too much, but it'll be you before you know it."

  "It isn't that," Lauren said honestly. "I'm just having a bad day."

  "What's going on?" Monroe asked with concern. "Is that why your phone has been off?"

  "Yeah, Lauren said, and she looked away from Monroe's sincere blue eyes that always seemed to look right through her. "It isn't anything terrible though. I'm just having a bad day."

  "I'm sorry," Monroe said as she scooted off the counter, and went to give Lauren a hug. "I feel like you, and I haven't hung out much lately. Maybe we need to make more time. I've been feeling a little down lately too. I don't see any of you enough."

   "None of us have any time for one another," Lauren said.

  "Wren said you were hanging out with Joan last night though. Wren said she's really awesome, and Wren is absolutely crazy about that Henry guy. She wouldn't shut up about him on the phone earlier."

  "Oh, so she called you?"

  "Yeah, she couldn't wait to tell me she was in love. That was certainly fast."


  "I'm still wary about it since he isn't a Christian, but if she likes him... He does seem nice. He is a little strange though."

  "He is nice," Lauren said automatically.

  "I'm well on my way to being the only single one of us girls," Monroe said sighing, but she was smiling. "Some things never change. Do you think it's because I'm too short, and that turns guys off? I do look really young for my age. It's only creepy older guys that come onto me. Guys our age act like I'm not even there."

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