{Chapter Five}

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    Jake was angry that Lauren canceled plans with him, and he showed it by snubbing her at church on Sunday. He didn't sit with her, and he didn't wait for her after the service as he usually did. 

Instead he headed out to Monroe's house where everyone was meeting again. Apparently they were going to celebrate Jake's return with all their church friends that hadn't been able to attend the first 'welcome back' party at Lauren and Ruth's house.  

It all felt a little tedious and pointless to Lauren as she drove herself, Wren, and Monroe to the house. Jake came home all the time. Why did they so many parties anyway? 

When Lauren and her friends arrived; she found Jake in the den talking with Monroe's Dad. Jake explained that the older man was offering him a job at his furniture store whenever he wanted to move back full time and settle down in the city. 

 "That sounds pretty tempting," Jake admitted as he sat on the arm of the couch, and he glanced at Lauren. "I'd love to be back full-time. You can cancel on me all the time then!"

  He was joking, but Lauren felt hurt as everyone laughed. He got up and hugged her to show he was kidding, but she didn't like the joke. She decided not to make a big deal out of it, and she went to make Jake a plate of food as she always did. It made her feel like she was in the Middle Ages, but it was a tradition with the Sunday brunches. 

  He was the guest too, she figured. Ruth loved the tradition, and she ran around all afternoon getting Alex whatever he asked for. An iced tea, his plate, a second helping, another iced tea, and a bowl of ice-cream for dessert. Jake knew better than to ask Lauren to get him drinks and random things, but he did accept his supper.

  "I was just joking before," he said as they ate.

  "I know," Lauren said smoothly as she stole a french-fry off his plate. "You don't have to placate me."

  Her tone was harsher than she meant it to be, and he looked hurt, but they didn't have time to discuss it as everyone was going to a Sunday matinee together. Lauren was looking forward to it. At least there would be no talking. Jake helped her on with her coat, and his hands strayed on her shoulders.

  "... Are you mad at me, Lauren?"

  She looked back at him. "No, I just get tired of you asking me if I'm okay all the time, and acting like you have to explain what isn't and what is a joke to me."

  "It happened once."

  "It's happened before." 

   Even she knew how petty it sounded as she said it.

  "Whatever," he said as he pulled on his own coat. "Are you coming in my car?"

  "No, I drove. You can come with me."

  "No, I'll meet you there," he said. "I like to drive."

  She felt put out as she watched him go; talking to Wren as he walked. He would probably be so much happier with one of the other girls, she thought, and she made a vow to try harder with him.

  "Are you coming to the movie?" Ruth asked Lauren as she and Alex stepped out onto the porch.

  "Yeah... Hey, can you drive my car?" Lauren asked Monroe who was right behind them. "I'm going to ride with Jake."

  "Sure," Monroe caught the keys mid-air. "Is everything okay?"

  "Yep," Lauren said as she started to jog out to meet Jake at his car. He looked at her questioningly.

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