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<Sam's POV>
Kat and I walked to our room and walked inside. I was kinda disgusted by the amount of light that shined through the windows. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw her face light up, I smiled at the thought it made her happy.

"This room is just amaz-" She started off before I cut her off. "Gross-" She nodded and looked down, I felt bad for saying that but it was just my opinion."Yeah amazingly gross" She said while playing it off. I didn't like how bright it was so I decided to have Kat and I close the blinds. "K-" I said while I pointed to the one window while walking to anotherand shut the blinds. She nodded before going to the other window and shutting the blinds. The room was much darker and I liked it, I nodded and smiled. "Much better" "Yeah... But anyways did you see that Colby guy staring at you" She smirked and laughed while sitting on her bed. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "As if Kat and besides we're just here to get the wand and get out easy, not get into a relationship with a dumbass prince. " I shrugged and laughed a little and looked through my mom's spell book to learn some of the spells while surprisingly having Colby on my mind. Wonder why....

~Time skip to later cuz yeah😂~

Kat and I were in the Devyn's and Jakes room discussing while Devyn was getting out all of her 'borrowed' stuff while Jake played this video game. Kat was looking at her little magic mirror her mom gave her before we left, I had enough of waiting and groaned. "Guys?! Can we do what we actually came here to do and make our parents proud or are we gonna goof around like idiots?" I was slightly pissed at this point as they all looked at me and then at each other then nodded. "Thank you, Kat ask your mirror thing for the magic wand." She nodded and asked the magic mirror the question and got a location. Jake looked up the location and it was in a museum. "Looks like it's at a museum, cool let's go" I said already out the room with Kat and Devyn close behind me. I noticed that Jake wasn't with us for a second and sighed. "Jake!" I whispered shouted trying not to be too loud as I kept walking. I heard a faint noise and footsteps and it was Jake kinda out of breathe.

We went to the museum to find out the door was locked and there was a security guard inside. "Fuck..." I mumbled while I pulled at my hair a little bit until I got an idea. I got out my spell book and casted a sleeping spell on the guard and felt proud of myself while Jake and Devyn mocked me a bit. I glared at them and flipped them off and they shut up. "So how are we getting in? We got the guard covered so what about the door?" Kat asked kinda worried. Devyn laughed and smirked a bit. "Easy I'll just kick it down, I just need a running start." She said while running to get a good running start. I smirked and pulled out my spell book. "Make it easy, Make it quick, Open this door without a kick-" I casted the spell and the door opened while Devyn cane running up to the empty space and fell onto the floor. I laughed and walked into with Kat while Jake helped Devyn up. We started to walk around to try and find this wand when we came across villain statues. Not just any statues, our parents. I walked into the room slowly stating at the statue at my mother. The others look and stare at their own parents while I was in my own thoughts.

"Well the wand ain't here so let's keep looking" Devyn said while walking out of the room and the others nodded and followed her. I sighed and was about to turn around until I saw the statue move, at first I thought it was me so I walked closer to the statue. "Boo!-" She exclaimed while I screamed and fell backwards. "What the hell mom!" "What not excited to see me pumpkin?" She laughed and walked off the pedestal whistling. I groaned and got up off the ground. "Idk but do you think this is right? Like stealing candy from babies are one thing, but stealing a wand... Idk" I sighed and looked down. She walked over to me and picked my head up and made me look at her. "Well let me ask you this son. Do you want to be evil?" She smirked and laughed. "I mean yeah who wouldn't mom but I'm still unsure about it" I slightly smiled while she nodded and stepped away from me. "Well let me be more specific then if you're still unsure. Do you wanna be evil like me? Be cruel, be nasty and see other people suffer? Then if you do, then get me the wand and we can rule side by side." She smirked and laughed. Before I could get a word out she continued. "Your very lucky to have me as a mother Samuel, like you should thank your lucky star but that'll be for another time" She smiled and winked while she patted my head and walked back to her pedestal. I watched her wave her hand when I heard my name and turned around to see Kat standing there while smiling.

"Come on I found the wand let's go" She said while signaling me to follow her. I looked back at my mother to see its just a regular statue again and sighed. I walked up to Kat and followed her to where the wand was located. When I saw it, I was in awe at the sight we were so close we were gonna pull this off until it came to an end. "Okay all we gotta do is grab it, easy. I got this" Devyn said while laughing and going until the bars and was about to grab it. "No Devyn wait-" I was cut off by Devyn touching the protecting force field around it and flying to the wall behind her and groan in pain while a loud alarm went off. "Shit we gotta go!" Jake said helping Devyn up off the ground when we heard footsteps. We panicked and ran out of there as quick as we could without getting caught. "Great now we gotta go to fucking school tomorrow!" I said glaring at Devyn while running away back to our dorms.

Yayyyy I updated two days in a row, even tho it's a late update it's still an update but it's fine lmao. But if you are liking the story let me know. And vote? Idk what the vote stuff means but ig do that too lmao. But I love you guys and I'll update tomorrow, or try if I don't forget or busy lmao😂❤❤❤

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