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<Sam's POV>
We were in class and let me say it was boring as hell. I wasn't even paying attention, all I was thinking about was the wand and making my mom proud. I was sketching the wand in the paper not realizing the fairy god mother called on me so I looked up. "Um 'C', give it a bottle." "Correct, again" She gave me a smile which kinda made me wanna barf but I brushed it off. "Damn you're on fire bro" Jake said while smiling at me. "Well just pick the option that doesn't seem like fun" I said while rolling my eyes and shrugging while going back to my drawing, when I certain shy girl started walking up to fairy god mother and whimpered when she walked past us. She gave fairy god mother a clipboard to sign papers, getting nervous.

"Oh everyone this is my daughter Tara, say hi dear" She said with a smile while handing her the clipboard. She turns around and looks at us in fear, I was trying not to laugh. "Don't mind me, go back to what your doing, I was never here..." She shyly stated and walked past us and whimpered again. Fairy godmother cleared her throat and continued with the lesson while I continued with my drawing. I looked over for a second and saw Devyn and Jake fighting over who should answer the question and all I could do is sigh. "Fucking idiots..." I mumbled and facepalmed. Devyn got to answer the question and bragged about it to Jakes face while fairy god mother yelled something at them. I didn't pay attention because honestly I don't care, I just rolled my eyes and waited til class was done as left with Kat while Devyn and Jake went to do whatever fairy god mother said.

~Time skip cuz yeet😂~

<Colby's POV>
I was walking to my locker with Shea and Brennen. Oh Shea's the daughter of Prince Charming and Cinderella if I forgot to mention, I'm gonna be honest here and say she can be an ignorant idiot but otherwise well she can be an ass sometimes but I deal with it. Brennen was clinging onto my arm while him and Shea were talking. I was lost in my thoughts thinking about Sam, I didn't know what it was that made me think about him all the time I just did. We stopped and Shea looked over and saw Sam and Kat by his locker. She tapped my chest and pointed over there.

"Those kids are trouble.." She said in a very low voice. I looked over when Kat said 'bye' and left leaving him there alone looking in some sort of book. I slightly smiled and looked back at Shea and Brennen. "Come on Shea, give them a chance" "Colebear.." Brennen said while grabbing both of my hands and looked up at me. "No offense Colebear but your way too trusting. Yeah ik you're mom fell in love with a big nasty beast that turned out to be a prince, but with my mom the evil fairy was just the evil fairy... That boy's mother." She said the last part in a whisper and pointed with his eyes at him. "Well I think you're wrong about them" I said with a whole hearted smile as he sighed and let go of me hands. "I'll see you later.." I smiled and slowly walked towards Sam while the other two walked in the opposite direction. I leaned against the lockers while he shut his and looked at me with a confused face, in all honesty it was adorable.

"Hey" I smiled at him while he kinda smiled back at me holding a book close to his chest. "Hey" He said kinda suspiciously of why I was talking to him but also with a glimpse of confidence. "So how was your first day?" I said while kinda staring into his eyes and god they're beautiful. I get lost in them every time, I smiled to myself at the thought. "Super" He said with a slight pop at the 'p' and smiled while nodding a little bit. I looked over at his locker to notice his artwork on his locker I smiled and looked back at him. "You know, this artwork would look great in art class and off the lockers" "Oh but where's the fun in that" He said with a smirk and winked at me which caught me off guard as I blushed a little and looked down. When I looked back up he was watching Tara as she walked by with an evil smirk and looks back at me. He gives an evil smile at me and walks away leaving me smiling like an idiot as I leaned my back against the lockers.

<Sam's POV>
After I walked away from Colby basically flirting with me, which I kinda didn't mind. I mean he's kinda cute with those blue ocean eyes, his brunette hair all over the place, his face features so perfect like they were made to there, but as you go down- woah woah woah wait no. I cannot. Just get the wand and world domination is yours Sam. Make your mom proud of you. But anyways, when I saw Tara and remembered she was the daughter Fairy Godmother so I took my chance and followed her.  Even though I probably wasn't allowed to go into the girls bathroom, so I took my chances and walked in to find her looking at herself in the mirror disappointed with her hair. I smirked as an idea came to mind, while her eyes widened when she saw me then turned around and looked at me.

"Hi" I smiled. "Um h-hi?" "The names Tara right? I've always loved that name, Tara" I awkwardly laughed and looked at her. "Uh y-yeah but I gotta g-go" She said about to grab her things and leave. "Wait!- sorry... I was just hoping to make a friend. But I'm sure you have plenty of those, am I right?" I looked at her faking some sympathy as her face dropped with guilt. "H-Hardly" She says shyly and fiddles with her hands. "Really? I mean with you being the daughter of fairy godmother, I thought you would have tons of friends." I shrugged looking at her a little confused. "Well I mean my mom always said to be yourself and the beauty's on the inside" She truthfully told me as I nodded. "Well don't you wanna be pretty? Have all the friends you need?" "Well yeah" She smiled widely at the thought of friends. "Well if you wanted friends why don't you fix your look, with maybe fairy god mothers magic wand. Then you'd have tons of friends" I smiled evilly as she sighed. "My mom doesn't use the wand anymore, she retired it because she thinks knowledge is best learned in the books. And I don't mean spell books, I mean books with history." I nod at what she says and look at her. "Well that's kinda lame, don't ya think? Like she used the wand on Cinderella which basically got her married, but won't use it on her own daughter. What a shame." I fake pout looking at her. "Yeah ig it's kinda lame but I just wanna be pretty, like I hate my hair-" I cut her off smirking and heaving our my spell book. "Say no more" I flip through some pages to find the hair spell and cast it on her and gave her brand new hair. She was so happy and turned to me and hugged me saying 'thank you', I couldn't help but smile as I hugged back. She pulled away and she looked at me and pointed to her nose.

"C-Could you do my nose?" She smiled widely and I looked at her disappointed. "Oh I wish I could but I can only do minor spells not other spells. But I think fairy god mothers magic wand could help you tho." I said making her frown a little but realizing what I said and smiles again. "So if I can ask for the wand do you think she'll let me use it or even you use it Sam. Since you know magic and all you'll be the first person I talk to about it" She said with a smile and clapped her hands a little. "Oh yeah I'll totally be there" I evilly smiled and nodded. "Yay that's great, well I gotta go bye Sam." She smiled while grabbing her things and walking out and waved me goodbye. I waved back and waited til she was fully gone and smirked and laughed a little. "Wow easier then I thought..." I laughed again and casually walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway holding my spell book proud of myself.

Hey it's me. Sorry I haven't posted in like what... 3 days? I just haven't found the right motivation to right and was kinds busy during Florida's "hurricane" so yeah I'll try to post consistently but I know for sure it's not gonna be everyday lol. Sooo yeah love you guys and make sure to vote ig cuz I still don't know what that means but its fine lol and I hope you are loving the story

1572 words

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