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<Sam's POV>
It was the next day and the four of us were sitting in class. I wasn't really paying attention per usual, when she started walking towards us.

"Okay kids since tomorrow is family day at Auradon Prep and well you can't see yours because of distance we got a little surprise for you all." She said in the nicest way possible which made me kinda roll my eyes. She walked back to the big computer she hooked up for us as we all stood up and walked to it. She turned on the monitor to reveal our parents, they were trying to figure out how to turn their end of the monitor on. It was funny but annoying so I rolled my eyes in response. They finally figured it out and they finally saw us.

"Katrina it's mommy, oh look how beautiful she is" The Evil Queen exclaimed while Kat just waved at her shyly and smiled. "Oh who's the old bat?!" Asked Cruella while pointing at the screen. "Um this is fairy godmother" I said as she looked back at me and smiled while I smiled back. "Still doing tricks with eggplants" She said laughing while fairy godmother's jaw dropped at her comment and gasped. "Like seriously you really couldn't give Cinderella til 1 A.M. I mean really, what did the hamsters have to be back in their little wheels." She said laughing her ass  off, while fairy godmother got appalled by her comments and was trying to say they were mice and it was a pumpkin. Fairy godmother left the camera view and my mom glared at me while I stiffened and sighed.

"Hello mother" "Sam! I m-m... M-miss you-" You children are never far from our thoughts!" "Yeah we got it." She said at Jafar before rolling her eyes at him and turning back to me. "So how long must mommy wait to see you?" I sighed and looked at her. "Um theres a big coronation coming up, so I think sometime after that-" "When?!-" "Friday. 10 A.M." "You sure I can't see you before that, I don't know what I'll do if j don't get my hands on that magic wan- You... You my little nugget that I love so much" When she said the word 'love' I cringed on the inside, it just didn't feel right when she said it. I wish I was wrong but my mother doesn't love me, she just cares about ruling the world with me 'by her side'. I snapped out of my thoughts and faked a smile. "Yes, I completely understand mother" I nodded and folded my arms when Cruella looked at Jake. "Jake?! Is that a dog?" I looked at him and he glared at her and sighed. "Oh yes yes baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs" She said while cackling and squeezing her stuffed dog on her coat. I always found it creepy but never said anything. "He's the perfect size for a pet!" Jake bqdially screamed at his mom and everyone was shook. No one expected for him to make an outburst like that. "This dog loves me and I love him and oh by the way YOUR DOG IS STUFFED, SO JUST GIVE IT A FUCKING REST WOULD YA?!" He screamed it her and held Duke close to him. She was surprised even more since he yelled at her while Jafar started laughing at her. "Oh- burn!" She looked at him and said something bitter until the point they were bickering then Devyn turned off the monitor with a sigh. Fairy godmother looked at us sympathetically. "I'm so sorry" We all half smiled at her and smiled back at us. "Thanks for the special treat" Devyn said softly as she nodded and we were dismissed. We got down to the end of the hall when Kat called my name and I looked at her and the other two since they were behind her. "What do you think our parents are gonna do to us if we don't pull this off?" She asked while I sighed and nodded. "I think they are gunna be quietly disappointed in us but ultimately proud of us for doing our best" "Really?" Jake said while looking at me confused while I shook my head. "No, I think we are definitely goners" They all nodded and I sighed and we all walked away.

~later that night~
We were in Jake and Devyn's room discussing the plan if we were able to pull this off at the coronation. We were so close just had to follow a simple plan. Once we all got out parts of the plan we looked at each other and nodded. They all left the mini table while I sat down looking in my spell book, I looked at this one spell. In my heart I didn't want to use it but I knew I had to, Katrina must of saw me looking in the book and walked over. She saw the page and looked at me. "Sam..." I sighed and didn't look at her. "I've just been thinking, you know when the villians start to loot and imprison their leaders and shit. Colby still being in love with me just sounds...... Cruel." She looked at me sympathetically knowing I didnt want to give him up, she knew how he made me happy and not the evil type of happy. I didn't want to think about it too much, so I closed my book and got up and left the room.

<Devyn's POV>
After what Sam said earlier I couldn't really go to sleep so I thought I'd get out of bed. When I got out of bed, I looked over and saw the terny trophy. I forgot they have to the trophy to me since it was a sign of gratitude and friendship. I smiled at it and walked away and eventually went back to bed.

<Jake's POV>
I woke up and immediately my mind went to the thought of what Sam said earlier. I don't know why but it just did. I rolled over and saw Duke laying next to me and smiled while letting him. He curled up next to me and we both eventually went back to sleep.

<Kats POV>
I was just sitting in my bed just thinking. When Sam walked out I knew he was hurting. He didn't want to give up the one thing that gave him happiness, Colby. I could tell he loved him but I never thought he would do an anti-love spell on him. I sighed and leaned over and open a drawer on my nightstand to reveal my test. The test I didn't cheat on, it was all me and only me. I smiled to myself and picked it up and looked at it. I was proud of myself, I didn't care what my mom said or even if she cared but I just want Sam to realize that. I want him to stop worrying about his mom, she's horrible to him but he still wants to make her proud. Well I can see that he's changing, he wants to be good but is afraid. It'll just take time, this is a new journey for all of us. I put my test away and layed back down and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

<Sam's POV>
I was in the kitchen cooking the anti-love spell for Colby. I didn't want to give him up but I had to. He actually made me happy and feel good, he made me blush and giggle and feel normal. I didn't feel like a villian kid when I was with him, but I guess all good things come to an end. I was trying to cry as I looked down into the mix and thought of all the good times we had, but the most important memory was our first date. Even though he'll never remember it, but at least I will and with that a tear fell into the bowl mix and I closed my spell book and pushed the bowl aside and silently cried. I finally stopped crying after a few minutes and mixed the batter and cooked it. After it cooked and cooled down, I put them into a small container and cleaned up my mess and walked back to my dorm. I changed into some comfy clothes for bed and walked over to my side of the room and placed the brownies(the anti-love spell treat) on my nightstand and sighed. I looked over at Kat and softly smiled at her and got into bed. I layed down and closed my eyes drifting to sleep with Colby filling my thoughts. God why does he have this effect on me.

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but TA-DA here is this one. But also thank you guys for over 800 reads, and I know I day this every time but I mean it. I never expected for my fanfic to get past a certain number of reads. And now people are staring to vote on this story so thank you. I'll try and post more often for you guys who enjoy this. So yeah I love you guys!!

1567 words

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