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<Sam's POV>
I'm nervous, after what happened on Family Day, I'm a mess. I haven't been sleeping well or thinking straight. Even though today's Colby's coronation to become king my minds still been bouncing between the fact that I'm a villain kid and should go through with my mother's plan or maybe I wanna be good and flip a new page in my story. I try and push my thoughts away while fiddling with the box in my lap when I felt a hand on mine and jumped. I looked over and saw Colby looking at me which caused me to blush.

"Hey you okay?" He looked at me in such concern and it's honestly quite adorable. "Yea, just a little nervous is all" He nodded still having his hand on mine which I didn't mind that much. "Would you mind wearing this for me Sammy?" He asked looking at me handing me a ring. "I don't know Colbs what if it falls off or doesn't fit?" He puts it on me and kisses my hand smiling. "It fits perfectly" I smiled admiring the ring but my eyes slowly glanced over to the box that contained the anti love spell. I sighed knowing that sooner or later I had to give them to him and end this fantasy between us. "um Colbs I have these for you and if you want you can eat them after the coronation" I looked at him giving him the box, at first he was confused but opened it to reveal the brownies which caused him to smile. "Thx Sammy and I think I'm rather hungry now" He grabbed one taking a bite. "No!- Um do you still have very strong feelings for me?" I asked shakily while he put the brownie down and looked at me. "Yea they're delicious, it'll just take about 30 minutes for the anti love potion to take affect" I nodded but instantly froze and looked at him scared. "What?!" He chuckled and leaving me speechless. "You knew! When did you find out?" "Our first date, the spell washed away in the enchanted lake" "Oh, so how long have you been faking it?" I ask looking down, I felt a hand on my cheek that gently made me look in Colbys direction. He looked straight into my eyes and smiled.

"I wasn't faking anything" Our faces were inches away from each other, I could almost feel his lips on mine. We both started leaning in until the trumpets sounded off making us pull away (HA!- I stole your solby kiss but it'll come later I promise tehe). The carriage stopped as we got out, well more like Colby helped me out because of the type of gentleman he is. We walked up to his parents holding our hands as they greeted us kindly and spoke a few words to me. They apologized about the events on Family Day which I was excepted the apology with a smile. Soon after that Colby and I had to seperate, I was escorted to my spot while he waited for the ceremony to start. Once the ceremony begun, Colby walked down the carpeted isle as everyone bowed or curtsied. He got to the end where fairy godmother was as she pulled out her wand. i stiffened as I could hear my mother's voice in my head telling me to just grab it. I glanced up at the bleachers where I made eye contact with Kat and gave me a slight nod. I looked away from her waiting for the right moment. The silence in the room was anticipating as Colby kneeled and bowed so the crown could be placed on his head.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother's voice boomed throughout the room as she held the wand in her hands. "I do solemnly swear" He nodded as she smiled. she touched each of his shoulders with the wand before holding it up. "Then it is my duty and my joy to name you our king-" She was cut off when someone stole the wand out of her grasp. "Child what are you doing!" She exclaimed while everyone gasped and looked at the person who took it. "You won't make me beautiful so I'll do it myself!" Tara yelled while twisting and turning around struggling with the wand. she made the wand glow causing a beam of light cast out through the top of the building. Everyone gasped and moved away from her in fear as Colby ran and jumped in front of me. Which I thought was sweet but someone had to do something, so I ran over to her and grabbed the wand. She felt ashamed which caused her to run into the crowd as everyone looked at me. I looked up seeing the other three run off the balcony and into the ballroom behind me. I looked at Colby who was facing me and tried to get closer but I just stepped back. "Sam just give me the wand..." He inched closer to me which caused me to step back again. "Colby I said stand back!" I yelled trying to hold back tears while gripping onto the wand. "I told you he would do this!-" Brennen started until I pointed the wand at him making him move back. some people screamed in the process as I looked back at Colby. "Sam let's go!" Devyn exclaimed as she looked at me. As i glanced back at them i was unsure if this was the right thing to do. Taking a glance towards my them, i knew deep down none of us wanted this, but we had to. "You don't have to do this Sam!" Colby said snapping me out of it. and turned back towards him. "We have no choice Colby! believe me none of us want this no more then you" I yelled causing my voice to slowly crack from the tears being held back for so long. "Our parents-" I started but Colby cut me off. "Your parents made their fucking choice, but that means you don't have to follow in their footsteps" As he said those words it got me thinking that maybe  I can be good. I was born from a villainous family so that makes me one...right? as i thought to myself in silence i looked at Colby with a few tears rolling down my face.

"I think I want to be good.." "Sam you are good-" "How do you know that Colby!" He took a step forward and looked at me like I was the most important thing in the room. "Because Sam... I'm listening to my heart." I let out a breathe i didn't realize i was holding in and relax from my original stance. "i want to listen to my heart too" I turned around to look at Kat, Jake, and Devyn. "And my heart's telling my that we aren't like our parents.." I slightly smile and chuckled softly at them. "You stealing things doesn't make you happy, playing tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy Devyn. And Jake scratching dude's belly makes you happy, who would of thought" I laughed a little as tears flowed down my cheek. "And Kat... you don't have to play dumb to get a girl, because you're so smart" She smiles as we laugh softly. i glanced back at them and just smiled. "And I don't wanna take over the world with evil like my mother because it doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school and most importantly.." I tear up and turn around to look at Colby, who's been admiring me the entire time. "I want to be with Colby because he makes me really happy" I smile holding up my hand with the ring as he smiled. I held out my hand and he took it smiling as i giggled. I turned around to face them smiling. "Us four being friends makes me really happy. So it kinda makes us more like a family" I paused and put my hand out. "I choose good you guys.." I looked at them as the silence filled the room, which made everything go by so much slower. I glanced up at Colby nervous until I felt a hand on mine. "I choose good, too" Devyn says as she smiled making me laugh softly. "I choose good" Kat says by putting her mine on hers making me smile more. "Okay just to be clear, are we not gonna be worried of how mad our parents are going to be? Like they're gonna be really really mad" He asked looking at us making us laugh. "Don't worry they can't reach you here" Colby said smiling as Jake put his hand on top. "Okay then.. I choose good" I looked up at Colby and pointed my head in the direction of our hands. He shook his head chuckling as his hand was placed on top. The whole ballroom applauded and cheered while I leaned my head on Colbys shoulder. He smiled kissing my forehead as i giggled trying to consume more of his body warmth and closed my eyes. i hear snickers opening my eyes and glared at them. they laughed as i shook my head, and in that moment everything was perfect. no more drama or commotion just peace until i was proven wrong. oh so very wrong...

Hey people I'm back with another chapter and surprisingly you guys didn't have to wait a month for it lmao. I had this half done when I posted the last chapter and but decided to finish it off. also I'm almost done with the book, there's probably like a good one chapter left and possibly a book two if I decide to make it lmao. so yeah I'll try and post the last chapter as fast as I can if not I'm so sorry. also another thing is that I'm so thankful for having 1.36k reads like thank you guys who enjoy this story and read it. I know it's my first fanfic on here but thank you guys.
Anyways byyyeee!!-💞❤💞

1710 words

Good is the New Bad//Solby//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now