Chapter Fifteen

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"the day that changed"

"the day that changed"

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"We all die." I said, looking back up to them.

They all looked to me with wide eyes.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"Oh shut up you heard me, I won't say it again." I said, hopping down from the stool I was sitting on.

I walked over to Diego and grabbed the keys to his car from his hand.

"Hey!" He yelled, instantly standing up.

I was already on my way to the front door ready to yell bye when something stopped me. The air around us darkened and I stopped mid step, spinning around to see something much like the energy thing Five came out of when he time traveled back home. A loud thud sounded and something, or rather someone fell off the counter.

"Je-jesus!" Allison yelled backing up from the counter.

A body sat hunched over a black suitcase. Even though I couldn't see their face of front I could see part the giant crimson red stain from the side of his shirt and a few spots on his blazer. His hands were coated in the red I'm guessing is blood.

"You guys am I still high or do you see him too?" Klaus asked.

The person got off the counter and stood before all of us to reveal it to be Five.

"Five where have you bee..." Luther started, his sentence fading as Five stood up revealing his blood soaked clothes.

My brows furrowed as I stared at Five. His cheeks were soaked with tears, his eyes red and puffy. Blood covered the majority of his uniform, some spots smudged on his face. 

"Holy shit Five what happened?" I asked, quickly rushing over to him. 

His attention instantly snapped to me, a look of relief washing over his dread filled face. I stared him up and down confused, trying to see where all the blood was coming from but as far as I could tell there was no wound.

"What happened?" I asked, searching Five's broken eyes.

His lip started to quiver and a few tears slid down his cheeks as he stared at me. Before I could even react Five threw his arms around me, engulfing me into a tight hug. I hugged him back as his body shook slightly, small cries escaping his lips. 

"Hey, hey it's okay." I said, tightening my grip on Five.

"It's okay baby, it's okay." I whispered, tracing circle on his back.

His cries grew louder as he held onto me like the world depended on it. Everyone else looked at us confused, all of them wearing a look that demanded I tell them what's going on. I may not know what's up with Five but it seems severe, damaging even. And that scared me, that something, someone was able to break him into a million pieces.

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