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my heart started beating rapidly as i speed walked all the way towards my apartment. before i could react to what had happened to me, a sticking pain hit my head and everything became a blur.

d e a t h . . .

i rolled onto my back, gasping for air as i clinched my stomach. i've never felt this pain in my lower stomach before as my breathing became heavy. i wanted to scream but my lips were taped together just like my hands and feet. i mumbled a soft help as i began crying. my tears rolled off my cheeks and onto the cold hard ground. i turned to look to my right and froze, i tried to scream but nothing came out. it was like i was paralyzed.
a corpse of a dead women laid next to me. she was naked but the worst part was her eyes seemed to be removed from her eye sockets.

i wanted to scream and yell for help but i couldn't. i felt fear crawl up into my stomach as i rolled across the ground, wanting to get far away from the women's corpse on the ground. suddenly, i heard a loud bang from above me. i froze still as footsteps became louder and louder and before i knew what was happening, light scattered around the dark room. my eyes widen as i saw many dead corpse around the ground, all butt naked and... d e a d.

"is my toy finally awake?" i heard a low voice come from the light source and at that moments, a tall figure began walking towards my shaking body.
the man wore a medical masked stained with blood, his black hair covered eyes as he bent down slightly to get a better look at me. he tilted his head slightly as he reached a hand towards me, causing me to move away.

"you look better tied up in my basement.." said the man before pulling his hand away from me.

the devil in human formWhere stories live. Discover now