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yoongi has stared at his phone, repeatedly reading the words on it.

"i think somebody has information on jungkook. this is his address."

it had been months since his brother's disappearance, why was somebody just speak out about his disappearance. as a police officer and retired investigator, it didn't make any sense to him what so ever. he immediately grabbed his gun and loaded it, getting prepared to leave the house. his gut feeling suddenly kicked in, feeling uneasy as he got into his car and drove off to the location his mother sent him.

once he had arrived. he gazed up at the house before getting out of the car. as he walked towards the front door a droplet dropped onto his cheek. he stopped, feeling like his brother was suddenly now gone. dead. somewhere. without him realizing, the rain had started pouring down on him, covering his tear.

"GAHHH!" a gushing scream could we heard from the inside of the house. yoongi inhaled before walking up towards the door, knocking on the door and waited for somebody to open.

the door opened slowly, revealing a young-looking man that for somehow, he recognized.

"u-uh... noise complaint," he spoke out as he tried to recognize who the boy was.

"that's odd... i remember all my neighbors moving out years ago. how could that be so, officer?"

the photo. he now knew who the man in front of him was. kim taehyung..

"where the hell is my mother-" he blurted out as he took a step into the house. "why the fuck was there a scream?" his voice rose as he started stepping into the house, causing taehyung to walk backward. he took out his gun and pressed it against taehyung's forehead, sobbing as he looked the man in his eyes. "I DON'T WANNA LOSE MY MOTHER TOO," he now screamed through his sobs.

"officer what the he-"

"y-yoongi..." a soft mumble came from behind him. a heartbreaking memory back to him. the time he had his brother wrapped in his arms after he got sexually abused in that shed when he was younger. it felt unreal as his brother sat near the door, having tears dripping off his cheek. why couldn't he protect his younger sibling?

taehyung had enough, he tackled the officer down and reached for the gun as the smaller male tried pointing the gun at him. he repeatedly punched yoongi's face as he forced his hand with the gun away. "TAEHY-UNG...HEL-" his brother screamed as he tried blocking the punches with his free arm.

"jungkook... kookie," taehyung spoke as he gazed up at jungkook who was trembling in fear. "help me the fuck out... NOW!" he yelled as he grabbed the gun and managed to throw it across the floor. yoongi landed a punch in taehyung's face, knocking his head back in pain as he yelled. yoongi tried scrambling up to grab the gun but a hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him down, smashing his whole body back down on the wooden floor. he yelled in pain as he immediately rolled over and started kicking taehyung in his stomach.

as all this happened, jungkook stood up and limped towards the room that had a baseball bat in the closet. his ankles suddenly felt like thousands of needles were stapping them, causing him to fall down midway towards the closet. he dragged himself towards the closet and quickly opened it, at the same time he heard a huge bang from the outside of the room. if he wanted to save taehyung, he had to act fast- taehyung? he suddenly stopped. did he really love taehyung that much... after he murdered his girlfriend and mother. has he brainwashed him that nobody really did care about him? but then why was yoongi, his brother, here? he broke down crying as his trembling hand reached towards the bat and stood up with the support of the closet door. he turned around and began limping towards where taehyung and yoongi were fighting, letting himself feel the pain in his ankled that taehyung caused. as the bat dragged behind him. he stared at taehyung who was blocking out yoongi's kicks.

"taehyung-" he mumbled as he stopped and looked at him. "i fucking hate you!" he screamed as he ran towards him and swung the bat, hitting the man's head with a huge banging sound. yoongi watched the man collapsed on the floor. without wasting any time, yoongi lunged towards his younger brother and hugged him tightly, letting his tears run down his cheek. they both fell onto the floor as they hugged, crying loudly, not realizing the taehyung was slowly getting up. since taehyung had no more muscle straight in his body, he was extremely weak that he wasn't strong enough to fully knock him out.

"FUCKING BASTARD!" taehyung screamed as he stood up and grabbed taehyung and pulled him away from yoongi's grip. they both stumbled back and into the kitchen where taehyung threw jungkook down onto the floor and began beating him up. he smashed his fist into the boy's skull and began brutally beating him. his fit became in contact with his nose and shattered it.

yoongi quickly grabbed his gun and rushed into the kitchen where he pointed it at taehyung and began shooting him with all the bullets he had. one by one.

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