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jungkook's eyes widen as he saw taehyung stood in between the doorway, having the ugliest face as he walked towards the bed and grabbed jungkook's wrist, pulling the younger off it and stumbling onto the floor with a gasp.

"stay the fuck away from him!" he yelled at jimin as he forced the younger up and into his feet before dragging the boy down the stairs and out the door. "i trusted you! this is what you do when i trust you? go out and kiss a random boy?" he asked as he opened the car door and pushed jungkook onto the passenger seat, having his feet out the car door. "you'll see when we get home," he yelled as he slammed the door close, causing a loud cracking sound to come from jungkook's ankles, making him scream bloody murder; pushing the door away as he sobbed. his ankles and feet felt numb as the pain struck him. "t-taehyung..." he cried as he watched him go around the car and into the drivers seat.

"shut the fuck up and put your goddamn legs in the car," he hissed as he turned on the car.

jungkook, obviously, obeyed and picked up his thigh and forced his leg into the car before doing the same to the other; crying as he did so. "i-i'm sorry, h-h-he went for the kiss-" the boy cried out as he closed the door to the car.

"a dirty slut huh? you're upset cause we didn't get to have sex last night?" the man asked as he pulled out the driveway and began driving to the house.

jungkook stayed absolutely silent, terrified, not knowing what would happen when they got home. he was telling the truth and didn't know why taehyung didn't believe him... only if he didn't go upstairs with jimin, this wouldn't have happened.

suddenly, taehyung hit the breaks, causing jungkook to forcefully get push towards, hitting his head on the dashboard extremely hard which made him black out.

when jungkook woke up, the pain in his ankles were gone. he pulled himself up and noticed he was in the bedroom with the sheets over him but taehyung nowhere to be seen. he pulled himself up and slowly pushed away the sheets, looking at his bandaged up ankles, knowing he had broken them. "n-no..." he cried out as he tried standing up on the floor but fell into the wooden floor with a thump.

"jungkook?" said a voice behind the younger boy but didn't hesitate to move. he pulled his legs up onto his chest as he cried onto his knees, crying silently as the footsteps got closer to his laying body.

"i-i wanna go... h-home..." he said as he looked up at taehyung having tears in his eyes as he cried.

"do you really think they'll accept you after you killed your girlfriend? they don't care jungkook. they never did! who the fuck are you going home to? YOU HAVE NO HOME OUTSIDE OF HERE," he screams as he grabbed jungkook by his hair and pulled him up onto the bed.

taehyung shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out some pills, forcing jungkook to open his mouth and shove the pills down his throat, making him swallow them. the boy tried kicking the man off and throwing his hands, trying to get away from his grip but he couldn't. not even after a minute, the boy became sleepy.

"i hate you," the boy whispered as his eyes slowly closed, falling asleep.

taehyung looked at the male as he pulled out a knife from the cabinet, pulling it towards jungkook's neck. he didn't want him feeling the pain as he died so he drugged him with sleeping pills. "die-" he growled as he pushed the knife onto the boy's skin, making him bleed; but he couldn't continue. "i-" the man looked at the sleeping jungkook, feeling his heart race as he watched him. he couldn't kill him.


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