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i woke up feeling that familiar feeling in my stomach, saddens. i didn't want to be alive any more. i wanted everything to end but my attempt at suicide failed. i began crying as my hands were tied just like my legs. the only thing i could do was cry out lousy, hopelessly. nobody was going to help me anyway. i didn't know how long i'd been unconscious for but one thing i knew is that i was in the dark basement. it was surprisingly quiet as i laid on my side, sniffing slightly as i kept my eyes closed. out of nowhere, a banging sound could be heard from upstairs which sounded familiar, the front door. one thing i've learned here is that you become familiar with sound you hear every day. the footsteps of a serial killer going up the stairs, the door that slams every time taehyung arrived, the basement door creaking open-

my eyes widen as i realized that the basement door was indeed creaking opening. i held my breath as i gazed at the door being opened, seeing that figure i have nightmares of.

"i brought you a surprise, jungkook..."

i blinked slightly as time seemed to suddenly go by slow. i watched my mother stand behind taehyung, having tears in her eyes as she stood there, traumatized.

"j-" she mumbled but she didn't get to finish her sentence. taehyung grabbed her by her hair and threw her towards the stairs, making her fall down the stairs.

"MAMA!" i screamed loudly as my limp body tried getting up but couldn't when the tight ropes pulled me together. "NOOO-" i keep screaming as i tried my best to make my way towards my mother's body at the edge of the stairs. once i dragged my broken body towards her, i cried as i looked at her face, praying she was still alive. "mom... please-"

her eyes slowly opened, seeing those beautiful brown eyes made my heart tremble, terribly missing her motherly love and the way she held me when i needed it the most. "baby..." she mumbled as she reached towards her son, cupping her hand on my cold cheeks with her warm hands. "i thought you died... my baby..."

"mom... i missed you," i cried as i closed my eyes, feeling like this moment wouldn't last long... and yet, it didn't.

"gah-" a sound came out my mother. i opened my eyes and basically almost screamed when a knife stuck out my mother's chest area, around her heart. i gazed up at taehyung who hovered over her, pushing the knife further down, causing a gushing sound to be heard.

"she never loved you..." he mumbled out softly as those insane eyes looked over at me, pushing down once again until the knife handle touched the women's bloody skin.

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