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jungkook's pov

i rarely appreciated the things i had. i never thanked my mother for looking out for me. i just always thought she'd be with me. my father? didn't know him. left a few weeks back before i got kidnapped and divorced my mother, saying that our family wasn't worth his time and money. my brother... yoongi. the only man i've ever trusted was him. he was the male figure i looked up to. not my father. he never did shit for me. the things i've learned from taehyung is that life fucking sucks.

i let out my last breath, moving my head underwater, closing my eyes as i stayed still. i didn't move at all. my lungs and brain felt like exploding as i drowned myself. i screamed underwater, knowing that nobody would hear me. soon enough, the world around me became black and still.

nobody's pov

taehyung stared at the sheets of paper he had to write but felt a bit off when the house seemed to go completely silent. he stood up from his chair  and made his way to the bedroom where he looked around for jungkook but didn't see him. he tilted his head slightly as he walked into the bathroom, looking at the bath and basically panicked when he saw jungkook in the bath with his head underwater.

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