Arcee's major ships /pairings: Best to worst

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I have either
A. found more things to say about some of these
B. Have kind of changed my mind

Warning: Someone's personal opinions, I respect most of you shippers

1: Arcee x Aileron (cannon pairing): IDW: Optimus Prime Series
This is the perfect kind of opposites attract pairing, happy little cinnamon roll x stoic badass with a soft side. Arcee in IDW suffered a lot and I'm glad that she found happiness with Aileron, she deserves it, and the two are the most developed Arcee couple so far

2. Arcee x Cliffjumper (cannon pairing): Transformers Prime
- These two win points for being a more realistic couple then most other Arcee pairings (just topped by how Arcee and Aileron spent more on panel time together). Also, I kind of have a thing for tragic romances, and Arcee loosing Cliffjumper is tragic. She realistically shows grief to loosing a loved one and these two are cute,  only thing holding them back is lack of time they had together on screen (the TFP comics develop them more)

3: Arcee x Springer (Cannon pairing) Generation One
- Arcee's first love interest. Props on these two for being the most "developed" couple in G1 , but then again, future Arcee pairings have been done a bit better (but they had the luxury of not being aimed at a younger audience, so I can't hold it against them), and props on Hasbro for keeping them together for the entire end of G1, unlike every other couple where the girl gets forgotten about entirely, these two are still cute, and I have a lot of respect for the OG Arcee pairing

4. Arcee x Ratchet (ship? Cannonish? Maybe?) Animated
-I was first exposed to this ship through some TFP art, and me being the "I've only watched Transformers Prime and read MTMTE" fan I was, I was disgusted by this ship and couldn't understand why it was popular. But then I watched Animated and all was revealed to me.
- Unlike "other" continuities, Arcee and Ratchet in Animated are around the same age, and that's a plus
- The two also have meaningful interactions (unlike other Arcee ships) so that's another plus! I acknowledge that they are cute and quite a decent pairing, but I prefer the other pairings a bit more. But it's still cute (in TFA at least)

5. Arcee x Bumblebee (Ship) Transformers Prime (and cannon in G1: Devil's Due GI Joe Art of War crossover)
-When I was first exposed to this ship, me being the "BumbleBlades is religion" kind of person I absolutely despised this pairing
-But now, It's kind of meh, and I don't dislike it, I respect it, but I don't ship it

6. Arcee x Greenlight (Cannonish) IDW 2
Hasbro, try harder and I might appreciate this a bit more
- I debated putting this over Arcee x Bumblebee, it's got some pluses like
  - Arcee getting another female love interest
  - Greenlight becoming more of a major character
- it's kind of cute

But then again
- Greenlight feels like a weird choice, maybe if it was Moonracer (Moonracer deserves better then Powerglide, he cheated on her) I'd be happier
- Springer's probably sad that his mum is dating his ex
- Greenlight and Lancer need more time together , and they are kind of my trash background OTP
- they haven't had enough meaningful interactions yet
This pairings placement is uncertain, and my mind will change as IDW 2 continues

7. Arcee x Hot Rod/ Rodimus (Cannon) G1 Comics
- Not feeling it, sorry
- This is just down to personal preference, I don't think they were as well done as other Arcee pairings, and unlike CeeBee (who's placement is due to just being meh) and Greenlight/Arcee (who's placement is due to having a bit of potential), I kind of don't like these two .

8. Arcee x Wheeljack (Ship) Transformers Prime
- One episode of interaction , that wasn't even romantic, doesn't count as chemistry
-I kind of hate this ship (Respect the shippers though) , but it's only this high up because other major Arcee ships have..problematic elements

9. Arcee x Optimus (Ship) Transformers Prime and IDW
- I'm very iffy about large age gaps, even when the two in the pairing are adults.
- In Transformers Prime, they have a Fatherly- Daughter relationship (Note: Want a large age gap to not be creepy? Don't give them a parental-children dynamic)
- and in IDW, Arcee is a lesbian and it's a bit disrespectful to ship a confirmed lesbian with a guy (and a gay guy with a girl or a confirmed straight person wig something of the same sex), if she was bisexual or Pansexual, then maybe
- However, due to the main problem being the age gap, it's a little higher up

10. Arcee and Chromedome (Cannon) Headmasters
- worst cannon pairing in all of Transformers , change my mind
- The only good thing about this pairing is how pathetically funny it is now

11. Starscream x Arcee (Ship) Transformers Prime
- Sure, mech who tried  to kill her and saved her once to repay a debt and also who killed her love interest in the first episode. Healthy....

12. Arcee x Knockout (Ship) Transformers Prime
- Makes sense, shipping a mech so obviously queercoded to be gay that a five year old can see it with a femme

13. Jack x Arcee (Ship) Transformers Prime
- Human x Transformer is always going to be gross, change my mind
-Arcee's a few centuries, maybe even a few millennia old, Jack is 16

14. Arcee x Arachnid
- This is literally an abuser x victim ship
- Arachnid, again, is queercoded, but she's the most toxicly queercoded
Can't believe this has to be said but, don't romanticise abuse! And don't sexualise it either
- Out of all Arcee's ships, this is the most problematic
Say it with me now! Don't 👏 romanticise 👏 abuse 👏

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