Ratchet x Optimus

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This is the most beautiful thing in Prime..

How can anyone say these two are not a couple? (Aside from being a bit young or blind to miss the subtleties, jus not shipping it or having a different opinion) I know many people say "Optimus is either single or with Elita-1 in anything Transformers!" but well A. I'm talking about the Prime: Optimus and B. It's cute and C. It's canon. Optimus acts like the father of the team , and who acts like the mother? Why Ratchet of course! (Don't say Arcee, she's the older sister/daughter of the group) Optimus trust Ratchet the most and Ratchet, in his words, cares for Optimus the most.

Seriously, before I saw Predacon's Rising, I viewed this a really cute ship, and then I heard Ratchet say, to Optimus, who was about to sacrifice himself, "I didn't return to save a life only to lose the one I care about the most" I was all "HOLY FRAGGING PRIMUS...ASDFGHJKL! IT'S CANON! HOLY HECK, IT'S ACTUALLY CANON!!" and spent most of the day fangirling out. Rewatching the show another 10 times, I found more Optimus x Ratchet moments, such as the ending to Darkest Hour, where you can see the pain of Ratchet's face and hear it in his voice, as he believes it's the last time they'll ever see each, and at the beginning of season 3, we see Ratchet's hopelessness, as he believes Optimus is dead, and how he just wanted to see Optimus again, and he was happy to see that he survived.

In Robots In Disguise, when Ratchet arrives on Earth again and sees Optimus, after 3 or 4 years of thinking he was dead (Rescue Bots confirm the gap between the end Prime and the beginning of RID is 3 years), he stares, as if he cannot believe his optics, there is no way this is real! And we see the emotions in his optics, and of course RID being as mediocre as it is, the emotional interaction is a bit too subtle (they didn't make them hug, probably because this is a "kids" show, seriously creators, it's not that hard) but us shippers (and older audiences and Prime fans) can catch on to how many emotional outbursts are being restrained.

If your one of those people who think they are friends just because Optimus says "old friend", that's fine, just don't comment that, and if your one of those people who can see that there is more then meets the eye (get it?) to those two's relationship, lets treasure it together.

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