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Hehe. I'm trying to update more frequently and not keep a weeks gao between each update but yikes I've been doing good so far. This book is nowhere near as good without your input on it! Please vote and comment xx

Harrys pov
His hands are soft and delicate in mine as I rub circles into his knuckles. I want him to be mine so badly but I don't know if I can do it. My heart says do it but my head says don't.

But looking at him I realise he is slightly taller than me but I still have more of a presence. His eyes glisten with tears as he smiles down at me and waits patiently for me to speak my mind. God, what would Hermione and Ron say? Thinking it through I decide they would be happy for me, Hermione would support me the beginning but Ron might take some convincing. Sometimes I question what it would be like if I just stuck to everyone's expectations and just dated the girls who swoon over me as if I hold any beauty inside or out.

I'm a freak. A useless, disgusting freak who deserves nothing but sadness, certainly not a boyfriend who goes by the name of Draco Malfoy.

I take a deep breath and properly take in my situation right now. I have the intentions to ask out Hogwarts hottest guy and expect him to say yes, or at least hope that he says yes. I can't believe I'm about to do this, but I have to try. I have to. How can I not? With him standing here just patiently looking at me with the most genuine smile that would make a killer confess his darkest secrets.

My heart pounds in my ears and I feel lightheaded as he tilts his head slightly and looks up at me with those shining eyes.
"What's on your mind?"
You. You are on my mind
"I-I just, urgh. Draco.. you mean a lot to me and I can not be more glad that I am the one in pain and not you because I could not possibly stand the thought of you being hurt because, in all honesty, I..I care about you, a lot."

Draco's pov
His words hit me like a night bus. He can not possibly mean it as more than friends.. but after all Hermione and Ron have said to me and after all of his sweet innocent actions I have to assume so. His gaze is lowered and his shoulders are hunched in slightly. This simple action makes him seem vulnerable and shy which sparks affection inside of me.
"Harry, I think we both figured out at this point that I definitely care about you.."

Harry chuckles and leans in slightly as he gazes up at me.
"But.. I think you mean care as in more than friends."
His shoulders stiffen and he freezes on the spot as he slowly looks up at me like a deer caught in headlights, which is undeniably cute and makes something clench in my stomach.
" I- I'm sorry Draco."
His sentence is cut short as I hook a finger under his chin and make him look at me.
"Don't be sorry" I say, mimicking his words from earlier on.

His eyebrows furrow and his eyes hold a sort of bewilderment.
"What I am saying is.. I like you too. I like you too and I have for a very long time now. Why do you think I was so distressed over your situation?"
"So... well, urm. What now?" He shrinks into himself as I pull away from him.

Harrys pov
Shit, shit. I have ruined my chance at even being friends with him now. My fears are quelled away as he gently pulls my towards one of the beds and sits down. I stand awkwardly in front of him and inspect the floor. It is so...shiny?

Since when did we switch roles? He is now calm and collected and I am the one panicking and being awkward as hell. He tugs at me and leads me to stand in between his legs.

"What would you want to do?"
Well..I would want him to be mine. I would want to hold him close to me and just have him all for myself.
"I would, I would want us to be... I would want there to be an us. But- but we don't ha- mmph."

I'm cut off by him yanking me into his chest and pressing his firm lips against mine. My eyes snap shut and I moan at the sheer passion in this kiss. My brain feels fuzzy and fireworks explode behind my eyes as my arms fly up and tangle themselves in his hair. His arms are roaming me and tracing my muscles that I got from quidditch, which I am very thankful for now in this moment. Butterflies turn into dragons and my mind goes overdrive as I flick my tongue across his bottom lip and he groans, surrendering to my touch. The groan sends a shiver of pure pleasure up my spine and makes my hairs stand on end. His intoxicating scent fills my nose and my tongue maps every part of his cavern. Warmth floods me as his hand tugs at my hair and the other one grips my bicep.

We break apart harshly, gasping for breath, because while being so engrossed in one another we forgot the need for oxygen. He whimpers as I slowly push him back onto the hospital sheets and hover over him.
"Are you sure about this? About...us?"

"Harry, Harry I have never wanted anything more than this. I'm so sure. I want there to be an us so badly, I want you to hold me and claim me yours as I claim you mine. I want everyone to be jealous of me because I have you. But I mostly want to be happy, and I'm happy with you. As long as I'm in your arms and you are in mine, then I'm perfect. I wouldn't need anything else in this world but you. I want to wear your hoodies and I want to snuggle you and breathe you in while we sleep together. I don't want only sex. I want us to understand each other and know that no matter what, we will be together and by each other's side. I want to be with you. But not temporarily, I want us to be forever. I want to spend my life alongside you."

My eyes are slightly moist by the end of that and mind from the raw feelings. I love him so much. So so much. While he was talking he had bunched my robes up in his hands and pulled me closer so that our bodies were comfortably pressed together. What did I ever do to deserve this?

"S-sor-sorry, I d-didn't mean t-to seem pushy Harry, I just-"
I realise that I left him hanging, he probably thinks I didn't want forever with him when it's the only thing I want.
"Draco, Draco! Calm down. I want forever with you for sure. You don't know how happy those simple words have made me."
I swoop down like a predator to his prey and capture his lips with mine. He instantly arches his back up and rubs against me as his hands cup my jaw and hair. Pleasure courses through me at the thought that he's mine now, and we can do this for the rest of our lives. I don't want to rush something like this because it is too important.

He is too important to me.


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