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Been puking, passing out and my flu has been here for like a good week and a half. Should probs go to the doctor. Meh

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Draco's pov

Even as I rush to breakfast, I can't help but feel worried about the first task. Whatever would we have done without Hermione's tips?

It scares me, rattles me down to my bones, not knowing what to do and if it works. This thing.. this delicate relationship that is blossoming beneath my very eyes, it's too much to risk.

And as I see the doors of the great hall, I spot Harry. He's standing there in all his glory, lopsided grin contagious. Look at him, how can one put his life at risk?

He swiftly locks arms with me and we walk into the great hall, heading for the slytherin table this time- much to my surprise.

Pansy and Blaise greet us and we quickly settle down, Harry hardly eating anything himself as he goes to fill my plate.

I press our thighs together, the comfortable presence of him calming me and making breakfast go by in the blink of an eye.

And as we leave the great hall, Harry swiftly pulls me into a broom cupboard. His eyes are cast downwards and he seems hesitant to meet my gaze which creates a burning concern within me.

"The task.." oh "it's tomorrow." His arms engulf me and I squeeze my eyes shut. I'm so weak. Pressing my face into his chest, I know that if I tried to answer, I'll just break down.

He can sense it too, so he just caresses my arms. "We probably should get going to class..."

That's a very good idea, the task is something I can't argue to him about. Because the last time I tried to reason with him, it just upset me and I know that there is nothing in my power right now.

I nod and we come out, heading to divination.
Trelawney is lenient and would let us get away with being a few minutes late.

~~~~~~~~the day of the first task~~~~~~~~

Harry's pov

I stand in the tents, the hairs on my arms standing. Draco was coming to meet me here but I have just received the news that I will be indeed going against the most dangerous dragon of the four.

I contemplate wether or not to tell Draco. I don't think I can- it would only make him worry. The flap of the tent is moved and I see Draco step inside.

His face is taut and his eyebrows scrunched, eyes searching for me. My teeth ache from clamping them together so tightly. I can't tell him- my angel deserves to be worry free.

His eyes sparkle in the light of the tents and he lunges forward into my arms, where he belongs. I breathe deeply, taking all of him in.

He's looking up at me with those big, bright eyes. My heart is fit to burst at this point, his innocent smile and the spring in his step making him ever more vulnerable and precious.

His arms are wound tightly around my torso and I smile down at him, quickly pecking him on the lips.

I can see the fear, the fear that threatens to break him. The fear that rattles him down to his very bone. The fear of losing me.

I couldn't say any different about me, I'm scared. I'm scared of leaving him alone in this cruel world, but I'm also scared of staying here and unintentionally hurting my baby.

How would I ever live with myself if I do so?
I reach out to his cheeks but the sudden flash and click of a camera interrupts us.

That can only mean one thing, Rita Seeker. Her self writing quill will no doubt write treacherous things about our relationship- but we already have been seen by hogwarts as a couple so it makes no difference.

There is always going to be someone who isn't supportive but in this case the majority of people are very supportive.

I can hear her footsteps fleeing, she no doubt thinks we give a hoot. No matter what she says about us, we are not going to be broken. We have one another.

And as my arms tighten around him, my heart nearly stops when he raises his watery gaze to me- looking crestfallen.

"Why does this feel like goodbye?"


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