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I'm so sorry this month I've been in the worst state. I'm sorry. I'm making sure that you guys aren't affected by my wellbeing and continuing with the happy DRARRY moments!! Hope you enjoy, vote and comment please xx

Draco's pov

Looking over at the beautiful man beside me, my heart speeds up and the comforting hum of the great hall surrounds us. He's been unconscious for a month and I haven't shown up to any classes for a month and by now most people would have probably put two and two together. I unconsciously snuggle closer to Harrys side, trying to calm my racing heart down. Everyone would make Harry realise that he deserves better, much better. But knowing him, he would stick with me because of his heroic duties and would stay with me out of pity.

His grip tightens infinitesimally on my hip and he strokes my side in an attempt to comfort me. Obviously he knows how insecure I am but I still don't understand how I've come to be so lucky as to win the heart of Harry. This relationship between us makes me imagine things, imagine the future- one with us standing at an alter, saying our vows. And a future where we grow old together, side by side. It makes my heart ache with happiness and the determination to make those desires come true.

I know, I understand that people have their ups and downs but if one thing about my parents happy marriage has taught me, it is that it will always be Harry and I against the problem, not us against each other.

In no time at all we find ourselves facing the doors of the great hall and with a deep breath, we push the doors open at the same time. The hall quietens down and someone shouts out, making everyone silent. I can feel everyone's gaze penetrating Harry and I. I can practically feel the judgement but I raise my head and walk alongside Harry, proud of our relationship and who we are- and if anyone has something negative to say about it, they can take their hate and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

I let Harry guide us to the Gryffindor table and sit by his side. Being comforted by everyone's warm eyes I relax into Harry and with one sharp glance from him, the hubble of chatter rises up again. So far, no one had given us any dirty looks but there will always be one sour grape in the whole branch. As long as I have him, I can stay strong and as long as no one tries to take separate us and take him away from me, then we won't have many problems.

I won't let them tear us apart, I won't.

Harry's pov

Sitting here, next to Draco, I couldn't be any happier. I see people shooting me list filled looks and I just pull Draco closer to me as he sits there, blushing. Everyone falls silent as we take a seat but one look from me sends them back to their food.

I jump as I feel Draco reach across me. He's just so cute and fragile and-
"What are you doing?
"You have to eat harry. Plus, Hermione is staring me down and I would like to stay alive for a few more years at the least."
"No buts. Eat up, please? For me?"
And that, added to his adorable face, convinced me to eat what he has placed on my plate. How could I resist such a cute smile?

I can't help but notice that even though I have retracted my arm from his waist, Draco is leaning ever so slightly into me. A red flush creeps up my face at such an innocent gesture. I wonder if this spark between us would ever just die out?

What am I saying? Obviously it won't. And I know that better than I know the back of my hand. (Which he knows very well 😉😉)

I've always wanted to be happy, and with the Dursleys, it's been hard and I never thought I would have the ability to love so hard and be so happy. But here I am, alive, eating, enjoying myself with my arm around the man I could possible spend forever with, feeling happier than ever.

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