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This whole chapter is in Draco's pov as I thought it would be more fitting except for the kiss which could have gone both ways but I decided to keep it in Draco's pov and Harrys pov is near the end. Hw, tests and restless days and nights add up to my lack of energy. Sorry, vote and comment !!

Draco's pov
But me being me, I know my priorities and spin around as soon as the memory ends. I'm not heading for Krum, yet.

My hands fly out blindly and I clumsily grab for Harry. The smile on his face ignites something within me, the cute dimples of his deepening when he makes eye contact.

I can see why someone would be attracted to him, it would be hypocritical of me if I say otherwise, but it does not justify the disgusting actions of Krum.

But as I pull Harry impossibly closer, all my anger, pain and concern flies out of the window, along with my self control. And as I lean up, I can't help but run my hands through his hair- tugging at him to meet me halfway.

My heart soars when he swoops down and captures my lips in the most captivating lip lock of my life. Not that I have much experience to go off by but I'm positive that Harry is the best kisser out there.

Fireworks explode behind my eyelids as Harry nibbles and licks at my bottom lip, putting me in a state of pure bliss. Gasping when he bites down softly on my bottom lip, Harry takes the advantage and plunges his tongue into my cavern- exploring and caressing every bump and crease that ceases to exist.

The thought that the last person to touch his lips with theirs wasn't me fills me with a burning passion to make him remember that he's mine. And that I'm his.

And that the only person whose allowed to touch and caress his body like I am right now is me. I open my mouth wider and tilt my head up to give him better access to my lips.

Emotions whirl around and butterflies turn into dragons as I press myself up into his arms, and when I feel his secure arms engulf me I want to freeze time and cherish this moment for as long as physically possible.

The knowledge that he's pulling me in and not pushing me away like he would do to anyone but me spurs me on and I clutch his strong biceps, feeling them tense under my arms sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

The rest of the world doesn't matter in the moment, it's just him and I- together. But every good thing has to come to an end, to come back better.

So as we separate, I loosen my grip ever so slightly and immediately latch on to his neck- easy territory for me. Sucking at it lightly, I keep going until I feel satisfied that my mark is made.

Pulling back to admire my artwork, I lower myself back to the spot, lapping my tongue lightly at the spot to sooth the bruising feeling.

I smile inwardly knowing that now everyone knows he is officially off the market and to keep their filthy hands off of him.

I peck his lips once more, flushing at the tightening of his grip on me. I loving stroke his cheek with a finger- admiring him, appreciating the beauty he holds.

Oh how his looks are both a blessing and a curse... now moving onto the topic of Krum. I can feel Harry's muscles tensing around me and I give him a knowing look.

I would love to stay here with him and watch movies, curled around each other with out arms and legs entangled. I would love to stay here and express just how much I love him, but I need to 'talk' to a certain idiot.

As much as this pains me, I pull away from his hold and head to the door, pausing to intertwine our fingers- another public announcement for everyone that he's taken, if the hickey isn't enough to go by.

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