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Hi. In the books, Dumbledore doesn't flip out and is calm but still questions how Harry is picked so I'm going off of that. Vote and comment xx

Draco's pov
Sitting here, safe in Harry's arms was simply too good to be true. And as a feeling of unsettling fear crept into my soul I looked around for the source. But all I saw was: people enjoying their food, people hugging, couples kissing(at this I had prominently turned pink), the goblet I've only seen in books, ravenclaws revising... wait what? My head snaps back in the direction of the headmaster and once again see the goblet. Soon the buzz has died down and everyone has seen the goblet. Harry looks around cluelessly and Hermione starts whispering to him and Ron. I can hear them discussing what it is and a Hermione exhales impatiently Harry turns to the staff table.

The sinking feeling in my stomach threatens to suffocate me and make me regurgitate whatever I had eaten for breakfast. My pulse quickens and I unconsciously tighten my grip on Harry. As Dumbledore stands and gives his speech I focus on breathing evenly. By the time I feel more at ease the goblet has already spat out the three names and all the other schools have arrived, unnoticed by me. I guess there was nothing to worry about.

Besides, it's not like any of us will be able to put our names in. But the dreaded noise of the goblet shooting out another name silences the great hall and everyone is on the edge of their seats, curious.

Harry's pov
Dumbledore seems to lose the light in his eyes as his gaze flits around the room and eventually stops to hold my gaze. I'm sure I'm sure to be forming bruises where Draco has his fingers tightly grasping my sides. As the words
"Harry Potter."
leave his mouth, my blood runs cold and my eyes widen. This can't be happening. I'm not of age. I don't want to be chosen. Because knowing my luck, this competition can result in one thing: death.

And as of right now, I don't want to die. I can't. Reluctantly, I pry Draco off me and rise off my seat. Glancing backwards, I see the fear running through my friends eyes and I see the heart shattering absolute horror in Draco's eyes. Thankfully, Hermione registers him in and squeezes his shoulders in a comforting manner. This only makes Draco whimper and makes tears flirt ever so lusciously with his bottom eyelashes.

How can one look so tortured but so beautiful? I tense my back as I walk up to the headmaster to hide my trembling bones. Everyone's eyes are wide with sympathy, some even jealousy, as I take my place by the other contenders. Blood pumps through my body(obviously) and the drumming fills my ear. Is it actual drums or is that my pulse?

Hermione explained to me that many people are severely injured or some even die in this event. I'm a 4th year, I'm not allowed to be in here. I see Hermione hold a trembling Draco while Ron seems furious. I wonder if he is mad because he cares about my health, but as I see him sneer at me I have to rethink it. He can't possible think I would want to be in this mess?

Dumbledore approaches me, slight disappointment and anger on his face.
"Did you?" He questions,
"Did I what sir?"
"Did you get someone to put your name in under a different schools name?" His gaze is searching as he waits for a response

I look at him in bewilderment,
"No sir I really didn't-"
He stands there, taking in my body language and the honest expression on my face.
"I'm afraid, my boy, that you will still have to participate"

My lips seem stuck as I open and close my mouth, resembling a fish. I really have to...
I'm brought back to reality as a familiar voice screams,

Was it Ginny that screamed that? Or was it draco...

Comment and Vote if you liked this chapter, I really do try not to let my mental well-being affect my writing. I'm sorry.

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