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I'm sorry for being off for so long and if I haven't replied to you.
At The Ball

Draco's pov
I look absolutely immaculate, if I do say so myself. My robes were very similar to Harry's, mine is black with green lining and small green gems that decorate it whereas his is black with red instead.

These robes hug my figure perfectly, giving my petite body a graceful curve to it. The arch of my back and every other part of me is hugged comfortably by the velvet smooth material.

I smile softly as I tug upon the collar, straightening it out. This ball means a lot to me. We might have come out as a couple already but this is familiar to me. Balls and galas have been held at the manor for as early as I can remember.

But, while this brings me familiarity it's a new experience for Harry, and I cannot wait to share it with him. I can't wait for whatever the future holds for us.

I can't wait for those moments where he guides me and those moments where I guide him. Because together, we can flourish not only as a couple but as individuals too.

I am yet to see my handsome partner in his robes just yet but as Hermione, Ron and I wait for him to come down I can already feel the exhilarating feeling tingle down my spine and spread throughout my body.

Some might say we are rushing and some might say we are still in what can only be described as our 'honeymoon phase' but I've yearned for his love as he did mine for 4 years and counting.

After everything I have been through and after everything he has been through we deserve a break. We deserve to be happy. Together.

My thoughts trail off as a intoxicating scent of vanilla and mint invade my senses and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I spin around, planting a swift kiss to my lovers cheek. Admiring how his hands hold me down and how his eyes bring me in. His grand robes enhance his magnificent built body and if possible, increase his presence in the room.

He holds such an aura of power and authority that if it weren't for his fame, you would be scared of him and what he can control.

It's no surprise really that there's people falling at his feet from every angle. But, knowing he chose me warms my heart ever so slightly.
I smile up at his beautiful features, meeting his eyes as we all slowly walk to the great hall in a comforting silence. Each couple content with one another.

I feel his hands ever so slightly tighten on my waist and I look up to see a questioning gaze on his face, I must have been lost in my thoughts as I see that Hermione and Ron have already gone in whilst we wait behind the other contestants.

Those including Krum.

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