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What they do on your phone.


-Blocks Kyle from everything without any explanation
-spams all your social media
-curses out your parents
-takes pictures of himself in your clothes
-talk about himself all the time
-change your password and not tell you


-change his name to something cute
-block Cartman on everything
-set your wallpaper to cute pictures of you and him
-check your messages to see if you're cheating
-check your internet history to see what you're looking up
-attempting to block Wikipedia from your phone and failing miserably


-check if you're cheating
-check if Wendy is talking to you
-download random games
-flood your YouTube feed with videos of how to play certain music on a guitar


-porn, just straight up porn
-he'd download any picture of you he didn't have already
-he'd threaten most guys who were in your contacts
-take secret vids of you


-Download adorable pictures
-post nice stuff about you everywhere
-take cute selfies
-write I love you in the memos for you to find

-middle finger emojis everywhere
-he'd find dick pics offline and put them as your wall paper to traumatize you
-pictures of constellations will take up all your fucking memory

-he's too fucking scared to touch it like dear god he's terrified of touching anything of yours.

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