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The next month was rougher for Peter than he let on. He never told anyone that he was struggling, he just kept it to himself, like usual. It was his fourth week without May and that was harder for him than anything.

Peter had been awake for a while but his alarm had only just started going off. He didn't have the motivation to turn it off or get out of bed. To go to school or to do anything really.

But he knew Tony would be coming in soon, to make sure he's up.

He still didn't move, he left his alarm, he just lay there, feeling completely numb. He soon heard footsteps and a knock on his door.

He didn't say anything, he just sighed. He knew it was Tony. The door opened slowly, and Tony walked in. He walked towards Peter to see him just lying there staring at nothing.

"Morning kid," Tony said while turning Peter's alarm off. Peter still didn't say anything, he just tucked himself into his bed more. "Nope, you got school kid," he said as he pinged him on the forehead.

"What was that for?" He mumbled as he scrunched his eyes up.

"You we're trying to go back to sleep. Come on. School."



"I don't wanna go to school," he mumbled pulling his covers higher up.

"You need to, come on. It'll be fine."

"I'm not going," he said as he rolled over on his other side facing the wall.

"Pete what's going on?" Tony was surprised by how gently he had been speaking, he just hoped it would work.

"Nothing," he snapped, "I'm fine."

"Alright. Well..I'm gonna be working in the lab, you can come down if you want," he said softly knowing he wasn't okay but also not knowing what to do.

Tony hadn't realised how bad of a place Peter was in. Peter had always told Tony about how much he loved school and how good he was doing. He had no idea that May probably had to work so hard to get him up some mornings.

He carried on out the room and down the stairs seeing Natasha in her new suit going through their bags. He almost forgot her and Rhodey had a mission.

"Pete getting ready for school? We can drop him off on our way," Natasha said as she zipped up her bag and turned to look at him.

"He's not feeling to good, he's staying here today," Tony said, Natasha instantly knew what he meant. Although no one else saw it she saw him slipping and kept an eye on him.

"Make sure to check on him," she said with a small smile.

"Definitely. I can't believe Rhodey's still going out, keep an eye on him for me?"

"Of course," she said with a smile, "keep an eye on Peter."

"Always. Good luck," he said with a small smile.

"You might want to think about what to do if he gets worse," she said before walking out the room.

Tony didn't want to think about that but knew it was likely to happen. He had no idea what he was meant to do if he did.

At around lunch time Tony went to check on Peter, who still hadn't moved which worried him even more. He was lying there facing the wall with his covers up almost over his whole head.

Tony sat on his bed next to Peter leaning against the head board putting his feet up and began rubbing his back in slow circles.

"You're gonna be okay kid," he said trying to convince himself as much as Peter.

"Doubt it," he said quietly almost like a whisper.

"You want a hug?"

"Thought we weren't there yet?" He tried to joke but still sounded sad.

"Well we are now," he said before Peter turned over and began to shuffle over onto Tony's side causing him to put an arm around Peter. "You really are going to be okay kid."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know you're stronger than you think you are."

"I don't know if I am."

"I care about you Pete," Tony said as he began to run his fingers through his hair. "I don't like seeing you hurting. I'm not gonna lie it's something I never thought I'd see."

"You weren't meant to," he said after a slight sad laugh.

"Yeah I know," he said sounding slightly sad. Peter hated that he'd seen this side of him.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault kiddo."

After a couple minutes of silence Peter mumbled something. "What was that?" Tony asked, Peter didn't answer, "Pete?"

"I don't think I can do this anymore," he mumbled again a little louder than last time.

Tony didn't know what he was meant to do, this kid meant so much to him. He just pulled Peter closer causing Peter to put his head onto Tony's chest.

Tony felt Peter begin to cry trying not to make a sound which broke his heart even more. "How about we watch a movie?"

"Really?" Peter asked looking up.

"Yeah," he said cupping his face and wiping the tears with his thumb. "What do you want to watch and I'll start it up if we have it?"

"Lion king?" He asked shyly.

"Lion king it is. Come on."

Peter moved off Tony as Tony began to stand up. Peter stood up after but didn't follow him towards the door, something was pulling him to the bathroom. To what he had in the cabinet.

"I'll be there in a minute."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, jus..just need to go to the bathroom," he said trying to give him a small smile.

"Alright I'll set the movie up then. If I don't hear from you in few minutes I'll be coming back up, that okay?" Tony asked, he had a bad feeling about leaving him alone right now.

"Yeah, that's fine," Peter said as Tony reluctantly walked out the door.

Perer walked into the bathroom, closed the door and went into his cabinet like he was on autopilot. He got his little box that had his blades in. He took one out and put the box back.

He looked in the mirror, seeing his eyes red from crying. He hated that Tony had seen him like that. He held the blade in his hand, hesitating. But soon put the blade in the cabinet and splashed water in his face.

Peter walked out his room and down to the living room to see Tony had gotten snacks. Peter just sat on the couch awkwardly before Tony sat next to him.

"You okay?" Tony asked with a small smile.

Peter just nodded as he lay down putting his head on Tony's lap. "Is this okay?"

"Of course."

Peter turned back to the tv as the film was starting and Tony pulled the blanket over him. Peter just tucked himself in more, causing Tony to smile a happy but sad smile as he begin running his fingers though Peter's hair.

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