Chapter 1

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Above is a picture of Akina! I never drew her during the old Fic so now here she is!

"Alright! We did it" A fiery red head cheered, a wide grin on her face exposing her sharp canines. "All the bad guys are down for the count!"

"We did a good job." A scarlet haired woman said, a content look on her face.

"What are you talking about? Half of the forest is practically missing, Erza!" A blond girl shouted pointing towards the said mountain.

"Aw, come on Luce, it's not that bad. We didn't destroy any mountains this time!" A boy with pink hair said, patting the blonde, Lucy, on the back.

"Natsu has a point, you know. We could of completely flattened a city. Instead we just flattened a forest." A ravenette stated.

"You say that like it's no big deal, Gray." The red headed girl said, sending him a small glare.

"What? You can just revive it, can't you Akina?" Natsu asked.

"That's not the point!" Akina said, a dark look crossing her face, causing the team- other than Erza- to shrink back. "I might be able to help regrow the first but it won't be the same as before."

"I don't know why you're so mad about it. It's just some trees." A blue cat said, waving his paw dismissively.

"That's not true, Big Brother Happy!" Another cat— this one female with brown fur and darker markings exclaimed. "Forests have memories! And we just destroyed some of them by destroying those poor trees!"

Akina let out a sigh as the small exceed started to tear up. She crouched down and picked her up, "It's fine, Choco. As long as there's still dirt, the memories will still exist, they'll just be faded."

"O...Okay." Choco sniffed.

Akina looked up from Choco, "Hm? Did all of you suddenly get taller or am I shrinking somehow?" She asked, looking up more than she usually has to in order to look her teammates in the eye.

Lucy looked at Akina in confusion, then her eyes widened. "L-look beneath you." She said, pointing at Akina's feet.

The fiery haired mage followed where Lucy was pointing, seeing a large misty portal sucking her in.

"What? I thought we got everyone!" Gray exclaimed, a cold mist surrounding his hands.

Akin's nose twitched as she smelt the portal, "Gray... I don't think this is coming from a wizard." She said, her eyes wide. "It doesn't smell like magic."

"What do you mean, 'doesn't smell like magic'?" Erza asked.

"She's right." Natsu spoke up. "It has this scent that I can't identify."

"As mysterious as it is that this portal doesn't smell like magic, we need to get Akina out of it." Gray said, already walking up to the fiery haired girl.

"Gray's right." Erza said, walking up besides gray.

Akina opened her arms and Choco flew out of her grip, grabbing onto one of Akina's hands and pulling alongside Erza and Gray.

The Nature of a Hero (FairyTail x BnHA crossover)Where stories live. Discover now