Chapter 41

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"Now that you've finished your first term at U.A, it's time for you to officially start summer. However... Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. At this camp we'll push you to go beyon your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra'."

"Yes sir!" The class exclaimed.

It's been a few weeks since classes had ended, and now it was finally time for summer camp. Akina, along with the rest of her class had all gathered in front of U.A, where there were a row of death traps called buses awaiting the students.

"I heard some of Class A are taking remedial courses! Does that mean they actually failed the final exam? That must be so embarrassing! Especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class! All of you must be wallowing in shame!" A voice called out, and Akina looked towards the source to see Class 1-B's Monoma laughing hysterically, until a ginger haired girl chopped him on the back of the neck making Monoma pass out.

"Don't mind him!" Kendo exclaimed.

"Woah! You'll have to teach me that move sometime!" Akina exclaimed, walking up to the ginger with shining eyes. "Mavis knows that I might have to use it on some of my classmates, mainly Bakugo!" And a few of my guild mates. She added silently.

"Oh, uh, sure! Maybe sometime at camp." Kendo said.

"Perfect! Thanks!" She perked up as the scent of vines hit her nose and she looked over at Ibara, her eyes shining, "And you! We have to fight while we're at camp! I bet you've found some awesome new moves for those delic- those vicious vines of yours!"

Ibarra took a step back, looking to be slightly intimidated, "Uh, y-yeah, okay."

"Hayashi, stop bothering Class B and let them get onto their bus." Someone said and Akina felt herself get picked up by her collar, her feet an inch or two off the ground.

The freckled mage looked up to meet Shoji in the eyes, her cheeks puffing up in annoyance, "I wasn't bothering them I was just talking to them."

"Sure you were. Anyway, it's time to get onto the bus." He turned and started walking towards the bus, which made Akina start to try to struggle out of his grasp. This had actually become a normal thing about halfway through the semester. Akina had tried to run away and walk to wherever they would be having training, until Shoji decided that he would personally pick her up and place her on the bus, practically being the only student who could lift her high enough and keep her in his grasp— as he was able to generate multiple hands to hold the struggling girl.

Eventually, Shoji placed her down onto a seat, and sat beside her, trapping the mage between the window and himself so it would be almost impossible for her to get away, unless she jumped out of the window. Which has happened before. Multiple times. It was only successful once until the bus pulled over and Aizawa grabbed her with his scarf. Now Shoji was pretty much there to make sure she didn't escape the bus in any way possible.

The bus soon started up and a wave of nausea and lightheadedness rushed over Akina, making her sway and lean back into her chair.

"Here's the deal." Aizawa said from the front of the bus. His voice was barely able to be heard from how loud all the other students were being as they talked to each other, "We'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused."

After what seemed like eternity, they were finally allowed off the bus. Before anyone had a chance to move, Akina opened the window she was sitting next to and slid through the portion that was open. Since they were stopped Shoji didn't try to bring her back and instead just watched as Akina face planting onto the ground and let out a sigh of relief as the motion sickness faded away.

"This isn't much of a rest area." Kirishima said, looking around the stop.

Finally standing up, Akina looked around at their surroundings, a sense of excitement flowing through her as she saw the forest down below the road. She ran over to the guardrail and leaned forwards, letting the energy of the forest surround her.

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Aizawa asked, getting the attention of the class.

"Heya Eraser!" A voice called out and Akina looked towards where the other vehicle was parked, seeing two females step out. "Long time no see."

The brunette of the two grinned and started to pose, "Your feline fantasies are here. Say 'meow."

"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls! You can call us the Wild, Wild, Pussycats!" The blonde finished, the two of them posing together, with a angry looking boy standing beside them.

"These are the Pro-heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp." Aizawa said.

"They're a four person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues. The Pussycats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!" Midoriya bursted out, his last statement making the two pro heroes gasp. "This marks their 12th year working as a-" he continued, only for the blonde to jump forwards and grab his face with her pawed glove.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart." She said, a menacing look on her face.


"Everyone say hello." Aizawa said.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" The class greeted.

Mandalay nodded and motioned towards the forest below, "We own this whole stretch of land out here. Everything you can see." She pointed to the base of a mountain far in the distance, "The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain."

"That's far!" Some of the class exclaimed.

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Uraraka asked.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that." Tsuyu said.

"That can't be right." Sato muttered.

Akina's eyes widened and sparkles seemed to surround her. As most of her class started to head back to the bus, Akina stayed right where she was.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon. Kittens who don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch." Mandalay said.

"You should of guessed students. The training camp... has already started." Aizawa said.

The ground from under Akina shifted and rose above the guard rail, taking Class 1-A along with it, dumping them onto the forest ground below. Before she hit the ground, Akina used her magic to raise the dirt to catch her and soften her landing. As she looked into the forest, Akina could hear loud footsteps as giant creatures roamed the forest.

"Good news, since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility in that time. That is, if you can get through the Beast's Forest."

Akina grinned, the energy of the forest running through her. This was going to be fun.

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