Chapter 58

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The next few weeks the students spent getting used to the dorms. It took a while but soon everyone started to relax. It wasn't long before Akina found herself sitting in her homeroom for some summer classes listening to Aizawa speak.

"I believe I mentioned this already but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero licenses."

"Yes, sir!" The class exclaimed.

"Do not take this lightly." He glanced over at Akina before continuing to adress the class. "A hero license means that you're responsible for human lives. You can imagine that the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only 50% of students pass the tests required for a permit each year."

"It's that hard to get a provisional license?" M*neta asked.

"In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new." Suddenly the door to the classroom slid open and the class looked over to see who was walking into the room. Standing in the doorway were three of their teachers, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Midnight. "Two ultimate moves."

"Ultimate moves? An exam is a normal school thing." Kaminari and Kirishima exclaimed.

"But this is total hero work!" Sero and Mina added.

"When we say 'Ultimate' we mean a move that will ensure you win against your opponent." Ectoplasm said as he stood in the front of the classroom.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can copy it. Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths." Cementoss continued.

"Your moves represent who you are. These days most pro heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools." Midnight continued.

"This may sound abstract but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now change into your costumes and meet in gym Gamma." Aizawa said.

As the girls were changing, they struck up a conversation about the upcoming class. Most of them were excited but there were a few who had no idea what they could do for an Ultimate move of their own.

"You're lucky, Aki, you practically already have some Ultimate Moves." Mina said as she slipped on her jacket. "You even have names for them."

"Aw, come on, I'm sure you'll think of a move in no time!" Akina said then she looked at the rest of the girls in the changing room, "Same goes for all of you! The Ultimate moves you guys will come up with are sure to be amazing!"


Once everyone was done changing into their hero costumes they gathered at the gym where Aizawa was waiting.

"Gym Gamma, also known at the Academy as the "Training Dining Land," or TDL." He said, and behind him Akina watched as Cementoss placed his hands on the ground and activated his quirk, the cement slowly rising.

"This facility was my idea. We can prepare unique terrains and obstacles for each student here. Here you will lean to serve up justice, hence the name." Cementoss said.

Suddenly Iida's hand shot straight up into the air, "Please allow me a question. What is the advantage of having ultimate moves for our provisional exam? May we know your reasoning?!"

"That's two questions. Calm down." Aizawa said. "The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and natural or man-made disasters. Of course the licensing exam analyzes how well you're able to deal with such things. It won't just be fighting. Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. In addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others. Every year a new test is used to evaluate these qualities."

The Nature of a Hero (FairyTail x BnHA crossover)Where stories live. Discover now