Chapter 22

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Akina walked through the halls with a small bowl of chili peppers in her hands. After calming down from the match she had become overcome with guilt about what she had done. The people in this world weren't used to being hit with magic attacks, and the pure strength of her roar could probably rival one of All Might's full power punches.

Akina took a deep breath and opened the door to the nurses office, peeking her head in. Green met with red before Bakugo looked away angrily.

"Oh, Deary!" Recovery girl said once she realized Akina was peeking her head into the room.

"H-hey Recovery Girl." Akina said, fully stepping into the room. "I see hedgehog's awake." Bakugo scoffed but he didn't turn his head to look at her. She furrowed her brows and let out a small sigh.

"Are you feeling alright? Did that last attack hurt you in any way, it was quite powerful..." Recovery girl asked, already heading over to check on Akina.

The mage held up one of her hands, "Ah, I'm fine! I just wanted to apologize to Bakugo." She looked at the blond who was still angrily staring at a wall to avoid eye contact. "I kind of went too overboard with my last attack and well... you saw what happened."

Recovery girl looked from Akina to Bakugo, then back to Akina. After a second she nodded. "Go ahead, dear. But he needs to rest a bit longer before the award ceremony so please make it quick."

"Thank you!" Akina exclaimed. She walked over to Bakugo, who still refused to look away from the wall. "Stop sulking." She said, her tone completely changing as she looked at the blond with a deadpan expression.

"What the hell do you mean, sulking?!" Bakugo shouted, finally turning around and looking at her. "Like hell I'd start sulking just because you got lucky and won!"

He reminds me a bit like Natsu after he looses to Erza. Akina thought with slight amusement. "I didn't get lucky. I more so got angry." Her amusement faded slightly and her smile grew sad. "You can't insult my family like that."


"Sorry, it's nothing. I wanted to give you an apology gift. My last attack was kind of unfair, not to mention it completely destroyed you."

"The hell do you think you're talking about?! I'm not accepting any pity gifts from you, freckles! You're an idiot if you think I ever would!"

"It's not a pity gift. It's an apology gift. I grew these peppers myself. I've noticed that you eat a lot of spicy foods during lunch so here are some extra spicy chili peppers, grew them myself."

"Extra Spicy? I'll be the judge of that." He took one of the peppers and took a bite of it. After chewing for a second he grunted. "Yeah, alright. I'll take 'em."

"Ah, thank you!" Akina exclaimed. "Well, I should leave you to rest before the ceremony!" She bowed her head and turned to walk out of the room, waving to Recovery Girl before she walked out of the room. She had one more person to apologize to.


"I'm really sorry." Akina said, bowing to Mr. Nezu. "I didn't mean to destroy half the stadium, I got too wrapped up in the fight."

Nezu chuckled, "It's quite alright. None of the spectators got hurt and it was the back of the stadium you had destroyed! Besides, I believe your finishing move was quite extraordinary! It made this the most interesting Sports Festival in years!"

"So.. you're not mad about me practically destroying half the stadium?" Akina asked as she straightened up and looked down at the mouse principal.

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