Chapter 38

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Just as she finished asking that question, there was the sound of electricity and a lighting bolt reached down from the sky and onto the ground— ultimately a flashier entrance than All Mights. Out of the lighting came a familiar lightning-scarred man appearing from the electricity. "You'll be fighting against me. Hope you're ready, dirt-brain."


Akina's eyes widened before she grinned, her sharp canines glistening in the sunlight, "Well, I was hoping to fight against the teachers but I guess fighting against you is even better."

"Are you going to be okay, Hayashi? You're fighting alone." Yaoyorozu asked.

"Am I going to be okay? I'm going to be better than okay! I haven't fought Laxus in so long! Plus if I'm fighting him alone the both of us can go all out!" She turned and looked at Mr. Nezu, "I'm going to apologize in advance, just in case!"

"In case of what?" Kaminari asked, his voice shaking ever so slightly.

"Just in case." Akina said.

"Thank you for the forethought, Ms. Hayashi. To complete the exam you'll have thirty minutes. In order to win, your objective is to put these handcuffs on your teacher. Or you can win if one of you manages to escape from the combat stage." Nezu announced, continuing on.

"So we've wither got to capture the teacher or run away. It's basically like the combat training." Kaminari said.

"Yeah, but it it really okay to just jet?" Mina asked.

"Yup." Nezu said, giving her a thumbs up.

"It's going to be much different than the combat training ya'll went through earlier. After all, you're up against people way better than you!" Present Mic said.

"Better? Really? Wait, aren't you just the announcer?" Jiro asked.

"Hey, watch your mouth, girl— have some respect!"

"This time, your exam will be very similar to a real battle. As straight as it is, please think of us as villains."

"That won't be too hard for me. After all, you did practically ruin the Fantasia parade a few years ago." Akina said looking at Laxus and cracking her knuckles.

"Assumin' you come across your enemy, if you think you can win against them, then fight. However..." Snipe started.

"In instances where you're outmatches, it would be smarter to run away and find help. Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya, and Hayashi, I'm sure the four of you understand."

"So we fight to win, or run to win." Midoriya muttered.

"That's right! It's a test of your decision-making skills. But with these rules you're probably thinking your only real choice is to flee. That's why the support course made these super clever accessories for us." He reached towards his waist and pulled out a ringlet of steel.

"Behold! Ultra-compressed weights!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Akina looked and watched as all the teachers— including Laxus, locked the ringlets around each of their limbs.

"These babies will add at least half our body weight to our physiques. It's not much, but they will eat up our stamina and make it harder for us to move around." All Might stood up from where he was securing them from his legs and stumbled ever so slightly, "Oh shoot... These are heavier than I thought."

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