Chapter 7

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A few of the teachers took her up on that challenge, Present Mic, Power Loader, and another pro hero that went by the name of Ectoplasm. It seemed all three of them were skeptics. A pro hero by the name Snipe was skeptical as well but had chosen not to fight. Nezu had approved of the battles and everyone headed to a building that held a battle stage inside after Akina had changed into something more suited for fighting— a simple light green tank top and a pair of white shorts. Looking at the size of it, Akina was sure the walls would be completely unharmed after the match.

"To make this go by faster, how about I fight all three of you at the same time?" Akina suggested. Choco had moved to the sidelines to watch alongside the rest of the teachers.

"All three of us at once! No way, yo. That's a rigged battle you won't win!" Present Mic said.

"A rigged battle? But if it was just one on one fights I would win for sure. I want some kind of challenge." Akina said, furrowing her brows.

"You underestimating us?" Power Loader asked.

"Of course not! I just think the battle would be more fair if it was three on one!" Akina exclaimed.

"I don't see why not!" Nezu exclaimed from the sidelines.

"But, Nezu, sir, isn't that too harsh for her?" Midnight asked from beside the principal.

"Of course not!" Nezu said. "If she thinks she can do it I see no reason to stop her."

"Well, you heard him! Let's get this battle started!" Akina said, a wide grin on her face.


Akina and the teachers started on opposite sides. The winner would be determined by who was left within the battle arena. By the sound of a whistle, everyone jumped into action.

Akina targeted Present Mic first. His quirk would be the most troublesome for her to fight against, since it was practically just him screaming really really loudly. And with her enhanced hearing she would be done in under a few seconds of him screaming. She zeroed in on the voice Hero in no time and reeled her fist back, a magic circle appearing, going down her arm and covering in some sort of clawed wood-like armor.

"Nature Dragon: Swiping Claw!" She casted. Pushing her fist forwards she managed to hit Present Mic square in the gut, causing him to fly backwards out of the arena.

Akina landed and skidded on the ground, turning on her heel and looking towards the two other pros. Power Loader had disappeared, and going off by the hole in the ground Akina assumed he had gone under. She would worry about him once he resurfaced. First, she needed to deal with Ectoplasm.

His clones had filled up the arena, but it was easy for Akina to figure out where the real one was. The scent of the clones were faded, and had a misty hint to them. The real Ectoplasm's scent was the strongest of all the clones and lacked misty scent. luckily for her he was the closest.

She turned to her left and and outstretched her hand towards the real Ectoplasm. "Nature Dragon: Jaw!" She casted, and what looked to be the muzzle of a dragon rose up from the ground, closing in on the pro hero and trapping him inside. "Canon!" Akina added, the jaws shifted before they parted and sent Ectoplasm flying out of the arena, causing all the other clones to disappear.

Now for her last opponent. He hadn't emerged from the ground just yet, but his scent was starting to get stronger. The scent of earth and metal. Soon, the scent was right below her, and just as he emerged from the ground Akina jumped into the air.

"No way, she knew he was coming?" Midnight asked from the sidelines. "I've rarely ever seen anyone dodge that attack!"

"Go Aki!" Choco cheered.

Before Power Loader could get back underground, as she fell she spun in the air her foot connected with his chest causing a wave of air rushing through the area from the impact. A second later Power Loader had flown out of the ring.

She landed softly on the ground once again, turning to look at the heroes on the sidelines. "Anyone else wanna go?" She asked.

She's a beast! The heroes all thought in synch.

"Well, I'm sure that display has dispelled any concerns you might have about Miss Hayashi here! Starting tomorrow she will be attending our school as a class 1-A student as well as acting as security to keep our school safe!" Nezu exclaimed.

As the teachers talked about what they had just witnessed, Akina watched as an elderly lady headed over to the heroes that Akina had just fought. She headed over to her.

"You a healer or something?" She asked, walking alongside the woman.

"I'm the nurse of this school. It's nice to meet you, dearie, my name is Recovery Girl." The elderly woman said.

She kinda reminds me of gramps and Porlyusica... Akina thought, "It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm assuming you're going to heal those heroes? Let me help!" Without waiting for a response, she hopped towards Present Mic who was holding his gut in pain. "Sorry about that! I just don't like it when people underestimate me." Akina said, kneeling down beside the pro. She moved her hands to hover over the spot he was holding and they started to glow green.

"You can heal others as well!? What can't you do?" Present Mic exclaimed, removing his hand from his gut as he visibly started to relax.

Ride vehicles. Akina thought to herself. "That's for me to know and you to never ever find out!" She finished healing him and stood back up, dusting off her shorts. Recovery girl seemed to of handled the other two heroes, and they were already heading back to where the rest of the heroes were.

Akina followed after them, high-fiving Choco once she was close enough. "You did great, Akina! But I noticed you were holding back quite a lot."

"Wait, that was her holding back." A man in a yellow striped suit asked, pure shock on his face.

Akina gave the man a toothy grin, her sharpened canines glinting in the light, "Of course! I didn't want to destroy the entire arena!"

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