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I stood there for a while shocked

then I finally brought myself to move my feet and run and give my mom a hug

I wrapped my arms around her neck tightly and let myself cry.

"any hugs for us" destiny said as I let go and my sisters a hug

"how did y'all get here,we couldn't afford it" I said whipping my tears "this young man,Justin drove us all the way here for you" my mom said, I looked over my shoulder to see Justin wink at me

"you better not let this one go" destiny said giggling. "he's not my boyfriend"  I said awkwardly.

"well if u won't take him I will" destiny said as if she was for real.  "how long are you staying" I asked helping them get their bags

"only 2 days, I have to visit the doctor monday" she said looking down." ma, can we talk about this"I say trying not to cry again when Justin comes up and comforts me by holding me in his arms

"we will, trust me" she says

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