A Conversation with the Devil

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If I could speak to the Devil,
I would ask a question.
"All of the things done to me,
What was my worst torture?"

And he would growl back,
"Watching you continue to
Gain hope that would always
Be crushed under your pain."

"What was my worst weakness?"
"The fall you took after being
Beaten down by my plan,
Breaking apart at the seams."

"Was it enjoyable for you?"
"I laughed with glee when
You cried over lost loves.
Giggled when you screamed."

"One more question before
I leave you here, waiting
For a soul that cannot be,
Was that all you had, Devil?"

"Was that all I had? I beat
You down, broke your trust.
Kidnapped your hope, and
Held your faith in a cage."

"Ah, yes, but what you failed
To notice was after every
Break and scream and cry
Was my ability to get back up."

"You broke my bones, scattered
My heart, ripped my hopes
And dreams to shreds but
You never took my will to live."

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