Chapter 14: Kagami

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Hawkmoth's plan wasted no time.

The next morning, right before Adrian left for school, his father stopped him.

"Adrian," he called. "Can you deliver this letter to one of your classmates for me?"

Adrian took it hesitantly. "Who?"

"The pretty dark-haired one. She won a contest a while ago and you modeled a hat she made. Marinette, right? Wonderful girl."

Adrian looked down. "Yeah. She's great."

Gabriel noted his son's wistful tone and smiled. This would be easier than he thought.

The car pulled up in front of the school and Adrian jumped out.

"Deliver the letter right away," Nathalie reminded him. "You don't want to forget or lose it!"

Adrian nodded and ran up the steps. He scanned the entryway for Marinette. She and Luka were standing outside her homeroom with Nino and Alya. He made his way through the crowd to his friends.

"Hey, guys!" he greeted the group. "Can I borrow Marinette for a second?"

Luka raised an eyebrow and nodded. The other two chorused their consent.

"Ok." He grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her a couple of feet to the side.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I've got a letter for you from my father." He handed her the crisp envelope.

She looked at him quizzically. "What's this about?"

He shrugged. "I honestly don't know."

She smiled and opened the envelope. Her eyes darted from side to side as she read it. When she got to the end, she squealed in delight.

"Yes! I would love to!"

Adrian cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Oh, sorry. Here:" she shoved the letter in front of his face.

It was written in his father's careful and precise hand.

Dear Ms. Dupain-Cheng,

Due to the recent expansion of my company, I find myself in need of interns. Your talent has caught my attention a number of times, the most recent being my fashion show in which my son Adrian modeled your creation. You earned a glowing recommendation from Audrey Bourgeois herself.

If you would like the position, please let me know in the next twenty-four hours. You can give your answer to my son.


Gabriel Agreste.

"Oh," Adrian answered, not sure what he felt about it. "Ok. I'll tell him you said yes."

"Yes!" Marinette shouted, giving him a huge hug. "This has been my dream job like forever!"

He smiled down at her. "I'm glad you got it, then. Looks like I'll...I'll be seeing you around," he faltered, realizing what it would mean to him. He would be constantly around the girl he loved and reminded of what he could have had if he had only recognized it sooner.

Even Hawkmoth couldn't devise something so cruel...or so he thought.

"Something big must have happened," Alya noted, watching Marinette hug Adrian.

Luka nodded. "Good for them."

Alya and Nino shared a bewildered look and then turned it on Luka.

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