Chapter 36: The Ruby Ladybug

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Marinette gasped as she stepped back on board.  Rose petals were scattered all over the deck and even though it wasn't quite dark yet, candles lined the deck.  In the background, she heard the sound of one of Luka's song playing.  She knew it as one of the ones he wrote for her and wouldn't publish.  

A little table was set up in the middle of the floor.  There was a little box and two pieces of paper.  The first was full of cross outs and marginal notes.  It was in Luka's hand.

Marinette had not forgotten their anniversary.  After her meeting with Kagami, she had gone to the graveyard to visit him.  But this...this was something else entirely.  Every detail had Luka's hand in it and yet...Someone else's was there too.  

The note from Luka was dated back 364 days.  He had started planning a stunt for their anniversary right after their wedding.  There were several sketches and points and it was scattered all over the place, but the gist was clear.

The second note was a neat message:


Luka mentioned a few of his plans to me during that month.  Sometimes he wanted a second opinion and sometimes it was just out of excitement.  From what he told me and the papers I found, I pieced together as much of it as I could.  I'm sure if he had the other eleven months to plan, this would have been so much more spectacular.  The box right here was in his jacket pocket the day he died.  Open it.


She could barely read much of it through tears.  Happy tears, but they clouded her vision the same.  

With a trembling hand, she gingerly opened the box.  Nestled in black velvet was a necklace.  A gold chain draped down in a 'V' to the center where it was threaded through the loop of a ladybug-shaped pendant.  The wings were encrusted with rubies and the occasional onyx spot.  

She removed it from the box, letting it dangle from her hand.  Little Luka reached for it and babbled happily.  She set him down next to his building blocks and examined the necklace closer.  As her hand touched the side, the bug's wings flipped open, revealing a picture on the inside of each.  The middle was engraved: "Happy Anniversary, Marinette!  I love you forever, Luka."

On the left wing was their wedding, the moment they kissed.  On the right was Marinette tossing Little Luka in the air.  Adrian had surreptitiously caught that photo a week ago.  

Marinette laughed through the tears.  

"He planned to walk up behind you, clasp it around your neck and kiss you."

Marinette whirled to see Adrian standing in a suit behind her.


"I'm not going to do that part, but I'm hoping to give you everything else he planned. that alright?  I don't want to intrude or anything."

Marinette laughed.  "It's more than alright!  Thank you!"  She hugged him.  "I can't believe you'd do that for us.  You're the best."


"Luka and I."

"Oh, that reminds me.  Luka's plans involve a nice dinner and then a few destinations for just the two of you, so after dinner, Alya has agreed to put Little Luka to bed and watch him for the night.  It's up to you where we go and you don't have to if you don't want to."

Marinette clasped the locket around her neck and picked up her son.  "You're the one with Luka's plan.  Whatever you say."

Adrian smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.  "You sure you trust me with this?"

Marinette smirked.  "Minou, I have repeatedly trusted you with my very life and frequently my sanity.  I think you can handle an anniversary.  Do I need to wear something nicer?"

"If you want.  You already look nice.  But don't wear heels.  He had a couple walks planned out."

"Alright.  Give me five minutes."  She handed him Little Luka and ducked into her cabin.  

Little Luka started grabbing at Adrian's face, causing him to laugh and bop the baby's nose.  He gave him a little toss.  The dark-haired baby squealed in ecstasy.  

When Marinette came out in a nice dress and comfortable flats, she found Adrian on the floor, his styled hair disheveled and his freshly pressed shirt wrinkled.  Little Luka was crawling over his legs and leaving little drool trails all over his nice suit.  Both boys were laughing and babbling nonsense.  Marinette whipped out her phone, recording the spectacle until she broke into laughter.

Adrian gave her his crazy cat grin and carelessly rolled around with Little Luka who was laughing too.  When he heard his mother's voice, he looked up at her with a big smile, proving to her that he had his father's dimple.

"Mamama!"  he squealed.  "Mamama!"

Marinette laughed and swept him up into her embrace.  

"Is that his first word?"  Adrian asked, getting to his feet and brushing himself off.

Marinette nodded, tears in her eyes.  Luka cured her of excess happiness by yanking on her hair.  She smiled and gently uncurled his hands, tossing her hair behind her back.  His attention was captivated by the locket and he grabbed at it, hitting the little clasp to open it.  He stared for a second and then pointed at the left frame.  

"Dadada!  Dada!"

Marinette gasped.  Adrian smiled and pointed to Luka's picture.  

"Yes, Luka.  That's Dada."

Marinette let her tears fall, hugging her son close to her chest.  Adrian wrapped his arms around both of them.

Eventually, she pulled herself together and readjusted Little Luka on her shoulder.  

"," she breathed.  "His first two words on our anniversary and he recognizes Luka as his dad?  I don't even know how that could happen."

Adrian shrugged.  "Well, I'm glad you're happy.  Heaven only knows how much you deserve it.  Shall we?"

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