Chapter II

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     I TAPPED MY TOE for the nth time. It's already 5:30 and he's not yet here. He's now one hour late, I don't know if he's trying to piss me off or he's trying to ditch me – like those stupid classes he ditched! I was on the verge of kicking the empty can when a husky voice spoke.

   "You're early."

   I was gonna freak out with the unfamiliar voice behind me but the humour is purely his.

"Yeah, I was ONE HOUR too early, Jai!" I snapped specifying the words.

   He chuckled huskily.

   "What's wrong with your voice? You suddenly turned Bradley Cooper with a hint of Axl Ross?"

   "Wow! Really? That's a nice compliment. And what's wrong with your hair, Ani? You suddenly turned Beyoncé with a hint of Mufasa." He blurt out and laugh out loud.

   I rolled my eyes, my hair tends to stick out when I'm starting to get pissed. I don't know if I am related to any porcupine or something.

   "I know. If you're sitting getting dizzy waiting boring to death for one godforsaken hour, you're hair tends to have their own fun and look, another one fell down! Oh no... I'm sorry, Jai tends to be a douche pants sometimes" I crouched to picked a loose strand of hair but he wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me up. "Ouch!"

   "Come on! We don't have much time." He said sounding impatient.

   "Yeah right!" I pushed him away and tick my tongue. "If you only had come here earlier we would have plenty." I feel my blood boils.

   He just chuckle. What he always do when I am pissed.

  "Where are we going?" I asked not hiding how pissed I am.

   "I don't know..." he announced, keeping his knuckles inside his pocket, I just noticed he's wearing baggy sweatpants. Again.

   "Can I just kick you right now and get away with it?"

   "Be my guest." He chuckled deeply.

    I rolled my eyes and pulled his hand. "Let's go this way!"

    I felt him shrug. Honestly, I am really pissed right now that I tried to be silent before I let off steam that could possibly blow him away, I hate that. I hate being angry with him because the last time I did, I regret it.

 I hate being angry with him because the last time I did, I regret it

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    I took him to the small bench  under the tree. He sat beside me, this is our usual place when we just want to be alone and have fun. We had a lot of memories here in Nash wood Lair, as a kid we teased each other when somebody gets the craziest scream when riding a roller coaster and when we smudged ice cream at our faces. But now, I'm so pissed I can't even look at him but I know he's smiling like he's some innocent stupid skunk.

   "Stop smiling! Why are you late?" I batted.

    He tilted his head and pouted.

   "What the heck is that?" I mimicked his action.

   "Gosh! Don't do that again, you look like a sick dog."

   I gasped and hit him on the shoulder, my palm touched his sharp shoulder blade, I flinch. He answered when he knows I'm serious.

   "My sister, Sheila came." He said simply

   "The doctor? Why? Is everything okay?"

   He got up on the bench "of course!" he said shortly pacing the bench.

   "Then why is she here then?" I asked more persistently this time.


   "Are you sure?"

   "Nah! I'm just kidding. My mother's sister's daughter's pig's grandson is sick."

   With that, I hit him on his leg, he screamed and laugh afterward. "Stop doing that! I would appreciate it if you'll offer me ice cream or something." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.

   "You can't have ice cream. You sound like crxp." I suggested, concern about his rockstar-ish voice.

   "I might never have an ice cream again, might as well let me have one now."


   "I said, I don't care. Are you treating me for ice cream or not?"

   He's really pissing me off, he knows exactly how to do it.

   He chuckled. "All right! I'm sorry, come on, we had to enjoy this one. Like we're the only people in the whole wide world."

  "Are you kidding? We tend to do that every time we're here. They've probably thought were psychopaths on the loose."

  I remembered the time when we're acting like two young couples having a break up, he's all crying all over me and clinging around my leg and people were like – 'Pff! Millennials', I chuckled at the memory.

  "Come on! Let's make something special tonight,"

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