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" Sir, your son Hyunjin doesn't seem to want to kill Seungmin. He seems to have feelings for him. What should we do? "

" You don't have to do anything, my son is capable of killing a boy. Hyunjin's hormonal feelings will soon vanish once he knows he's close to take my place in this business "

" But sir, what if your son doesn't end up killing him? "

" Then Changbin will kill the both of them and take my place "

" Changbin has also developed feelings for one of the prisoners, he won't kill anyone. He wouldn't "

" Huh, is that so? Why are young men so weak when it comes to love? Anyways, if there's no other choice, you will have kill Seungmin. I hope you will do that for me "

" Then will I acquire the throne? Your throne? Will I take your place "

" Yes, young man. You will take my place, gladly ".



I went back to my room and sobbed loudly to myself. Why was this so hard? Why was life so hard?

I was confused. Seungmin made me confused. Killing him will not be easy. Have I fallen for him? I don't know. He loves me and I want to love him, but we all can't get what we want right?

I wanted Seungmin, the only thing I wanted so badly, but I can't have him. I have to kill the boy I love, the same boy who's in love with me.

Isn't it just better if I die instead? Everything would just be perfect without me. All these problems will end.

" Hyunjin, I could hear you crying from outside. Wanna talk about it? " Changbin asked me, standing next to my door.

" No " I abruptly replied, wanting him to go away because I didn't want him to see me like this. Weak.

He totally ignored what I said and walked towards my bed and sat down beside me. He placed his hand on my back, rubbing it slowly in an attempt to comfort me.

As an hard-core assassin, I wasn't used to this kind of affection, so I immediately gave in to him and cried my heart out.

He quickly engulfed me in a hug and patted my back. I cried into his shirt and hugged him tighter.

" It's ok Hyunjin, I'm here. You're gonna be ok " Changbin reassured.

I broke from the hug and wiped all the remaining tears from my face and spoke. " Hyung, I'm so confused. I don't want to kill Seungmin. I don't know what's gotten to me, I always have that rage for blood inside me but once I saw Seungmin, that rage just vanished. What does this mean hyung? What's happening? " I asked Changbin.

" Hyunjin, it means he changed you. He's an influence on you. The only people who influence you is the ones you truly love. You love him Hyunjin. You yourself know that, so stop denying it " he replied.

" I don't want to kill him hyung, but what option do I have? If I don't complete my mission, I'll lose my reputation, my position, I'll lose everything. Is Seungmin really worth it? " I questioned.

" Ask yourself, is Seungmin worth it? Would you rather lose your reputation or your heart? Don't listen to your mind, listen to your heart. Do what your heart wants you to do. It'll make you happy " Changbin answered.

I thought deeply for a while. What did my heart want? What did I long for?

Love. That's what I longed for. Seungmin was the answer. My heart wanted Seungmin. I'd rather lose my reputation and my position than lose my heart with Seungmin.

" I'm not killing him hyung, I'm not killing Seungmin " I said. " I'm not ".

Changbin smiled at me and held both my hands. " Good ". he said and I smiled back.

" Why are you acting like this? Aren't you as blood thirsty as me? " I asked him.

" You're barely blood thirsty. You're such a softie. I too, turns out, am just like you. I fell for the person I'm not supposed to fall for " he replied.

" Who are you talking about? " I asked confused as to who he's mentioning.

" Felix " he said.

" The blonde one? " I clarified.

" Yeah " he said shyly and scratched the back of the head in embarrassment.

" Wow, didn't know you had a thing for blondes! " I mocked him.

" Well, turns out I do " he replied.

" Does he know? Felix? Did you tell him how you feel? " I asked him.

" Kinda, we like kissed and stuff. He likes me back " he said.

" What? When did this happen? " I questioned.

" Doesn't matter. What about Seungmin? Does he know how you feel about him? " he replied.

" Uh, he actually likes me. I just never told him that I felt the same way " I answered.

" Well, go tell him then "



Very important news, I won't be updating until Monday since I'm going on a school excursion.
See ya guys later for more updates!

Happy Birthday Mark!Love you loads!

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Happy Birthday Mark!
Love you loads!

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