His house prt2

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Y/n:ok ready to go to the mall now?.
(End of recap)
P:No i wanna stay here with you and watch movies...
Y/n: Payton we already made plans....
P:Well change of plans were staying here..
Y/n:Ugh whys it so hard to say no to you...
P:Becuz im cute and you cant resist me
You playfully hit payton on the arm..He grabs your arm before you could do it again and starts tickling you..
Y/n:P-Payton stop
You could barley get a word out you were laughing so hard
Y/n:pls payton pls
You cheeks and stomach were hurting from all the laughing.
Stops tickling you and pulls you back on top of him..You couldnt help but smile as you try to catch your breathe.
(Paytons POV)
Earlier when Faith interrupted i was about to kiss Y/n...I know ive only known her for one day but there was something about her that makes me feel as if ive known her forever...No that shes sitting on top of me again i wanted so badly to know if she felt the same way as i did..
(End of Paytons POV)
As you looked at Payton you had this urge to kiss him...But you thought you should wait it out..
P:Your so beautiful ...
Y/n:Stop your making me blush
He laughed and you look at him with an aggravated look
Y/n: its not funny!!
You smack his arm and he just laughs even harder.You get off of him and walk over to his desk chair and sit in it with your arms crossed.
P:Aww Y/n your so adorable when you aggravated..
Y/n:Payton your always cute...so leave me alone..
P:ok princess
(Time skips to later that night)
It was 6pm and you and payton were just watching (*make up a movie*).
P: Y/n do you wanna stay over?
Y/n:umm let me ask my mom if its ok...
(Text with your mom)
Y/n: Hey mom can i stay at Paytons tonight??
Mom💞:Yeah sure hun...Be careful though.
Y/n:Mom!! Were just friends!
Mom💞:Mmm okay if you say so
Y/n:bye mom love you
Mom💞: bye love
(End of text)
Y/n:She said thats fine
Y/n:fuck i dont have anything to wear to bed
P:thats fine you can wear my hoodie
Y/n:you sure??
P:yes Y/n im sure
He goes to his closet and pulls out his broken heart one and tosses it to you.
Y/n:thanks payt....
You go to the bathroom put on the hoodie and brushed your hair.When you walked out the bathroom payton was dancing around the room..You stood there watching him until he was done.
Y/n:what were you doing??
P:making a tiktok
Y/n:i have only made one in my entire life..The only time i went on there was to watch you and a whole bunch of others...and yes i did watch you before i met you.
P:whyd you stop making tiktoks
You jump on his bed and he follows and pulls you close to him.
P:becuz why?
Y/n:becuz ppl thought i was ugly....So i believed them and stopped posting...
P:your not ugly your the most amazing and beautiful person ive ever seen...
Y/n:thank you payt
You lean close and kiss his cheek.
Y/n:good night payt....
Your eyes start to droop and get heavy.
P:good night Y/n..
Your eyes shut and you start to fall asleep but here payton whisper..
P: I love you Y/n

(To be continued)

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