Auditions, Auditions, and More Auditions...

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*Just a quick warning: There isn't a lemon yet, but people get offended by words and actions, so read carefully, please. If you don't like how I write then don't read it.*

*Headcanons: A kid that is bad at singing but a very good actor sparks Erik's interests and he starts giving him voice lessons. Erik is caught singing by some of the auditionee's and runs off in embarrassment, only to be faced with Christine and share a sweet moment with her. Nadir is a good prankster. Now would be a great idea to also state that Erik is 26.*

It had only been thirty minutes and Erik was already done with the day.

8:34... only 11 1/2 hours left to go...

Time was important. He had a plan on sleeping for once. Although he kept going back and forth on it, Erik finally decided sleep was for the better. Maybe then he would able to go a day without getting caffeine jitters. Erik was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the terrible singing coming from a younger boy. Maybe at the age of eighteen, twenty-two at max. It was god awful. Yet, somehow the boys acting skills grasped at Erik's mind. Even after he deemed the boy out, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Plenty of other really good singers came through but not many stuck out as the boy did. 

It was noon. Time for lunch and discussion. While Erik was away getting his lunch from his car, Nadir managed to snatch some of the pages he had written a lot on and hid them. He laughed quietly before going back to where he was at originally. 

Erik had come back now and sat down, starting to eat, secluded from the others. He wanted to go back over the boy's sheet. What was his name again? How old was he? Erik had so many questions but the... the audition sheet wasn't there. Neither were the two soprano singers that he liked. Erik tried his best to look around without raising alarms. Thinking he left them in his car, he went back outside to dig around there. Nothing.

Nadir laughed when he watched Erik go outside. Swiftly, he placed the papers in Madame Giry's bag. Hoping no one saw, he went to the bathroom to play it off cooly. 

Erik came back wagging his head in his hands. He couldn't believe he had lost the papers. The papers he cared for the most about. The papers he made sure to be thorough on his ideas. He felt his heart start to race and fled the building. Erik needed to calm down before he went back in there and started asking around.

Little did Erik know, he had been followed. Meg touched his shoulder gently and looked at him worriedly, 

"Are you okay, Erik?" Jumping at the sudden voice, he spun around pushing her arm off of his shoulder.

"Yes. Yeah. I'm alright..." He spoke softly and looked away, "Just needed some air. It's hot in there."

"Mind if I join you then?" Meg was, in words kindly, a hooker. She was 'innocent' to her mother. Everyone else knew otherwise. 

Erik was rather uncomfortable with her being by him, knowing about her night job. His anxiety getting the better of him, he nodded quickly. Taking it as a signal she could stay, Meg sat down next to him and grabbed his hands.

"Seriously Erik, what's wrong?" She had a tone of sympathy in her voice. Unlike her normal demanding and sassy tone. Erik noted this as maybe an act of kindness from her torrent attitude. Still unsure, he wasn't quite wary of how he wanted to respond to her question.

"Nothing. Just the usual." He muttered quietly. Meg frowned slightly and touched his bicep, taking in to account how muscley he was under all the layers that made him appear so thin.

Erik took notice of this and pulled his arm away quickly, not used to being touched in such a sensual way. Meg, being the girl she was, pressed on and rubbed up against his arm in a very flirtatious way.

"I've always been fond of you, Erik.~ Fond of... how you look... how you act..." Meg bit her lip, "How you... feel~" Erik felt himself turn a light crimson. He wasn't used to people ever talking to him like that. It felt wrong, yet Erik couldn't put it out of his mind. He couldn't choose to ignore it. 

Only was he brought out of thought when Meg had kissed him. That was when he called it quits. Erik stood up and went back into the building, feeling both uncomfortable and... constricted.

He sat down as comfortably as possible, not being very comfy at all, and adjusted his pants. This was going to be bad. Very, very bad. Erik crossed his legs and used the clipboard he had to cover up as much as possible. 

That was when it happened. One of the rows of seats just collapsed causing those in the row to fall backward. Erik, being one of them, fell causing him to slam his head into the ground and blackout.

*, let me have my squiggle's Dani, fuck off*

*I'm cutting this chapter short of 1,000 because I have no more I really need to say. I also have no muse but I'm ready to start three*

*I need plot ideas so please leave me some suggestions :)*

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