~Who To Choose~

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*This chapter has no lemons, but includes kissing~*

*Headcanons: Erik has never sung in front of people besides very close friends and his parents~*

Erik woke up, not even opening his eyes yet and already in pain. His head was throbbing as he slowly sat up. A females voice caught his attention, prompting him to open his eyes.

"Monsieur...? Monsieur are you okay?" An angel. An angel had just spoken to him. Just her voice in general, every word sounding like a heavenly harp. Once he had opened his eyes all he saw was a frail girl dressed in white. Erik found himself at a loss of words, unable to answer her concerns.

"Monsieur?" The girl touched his arm gently. Erik shivered at the sudden touch and shook his head to snap out of this trance. 

"I- uh- yesa- yes." He looked at her with fear in his eyes as he stuttered through his words. She seemed amused by it though and giggled at his attempt to speak.

"Does your head hurt?" Erik didn't understand how someone could be so beautiful. He then realized that she was the same girl that he found interest in from the auditions.

He stood up and looked at her, "Yes, I'm okay-" Erik looked around, taking in to notice the surroundings were not familiar to him "Where are we?"

"After we found you, the gentlemen helped move you to a separate room. You snore very loud." She giggled again. Erik couldn't help but grin. He wanted to hear that giggle again. It made him happy. It... It made him happy. Happy. This instantly clicked as a problem. 

Erik looked around for the door and nodded when he found it, "Thank you for watching over me. I need to go now though."

"Are you sure? You should swing by a doctor and make sure you're okay er- what's your name again?" She tilted her head like a dog, curious yet demanding. Enticing.

"Destler. Erik Destler, and you are?" 

"Daae. Christine Daae." Christine smiled gently at him as he melted internally. Erik nodded and shook her hand. 'It's so soft', he thought. Everything about her was angelic. He dropped her hand quickly after realizing he was still holding it after so long. Christine giggled once more, making Erik's heart soar. He gave a friendly nod before rapidly chasing for the door handle.

Erik made his walk brisk and short. He didn't want to look back and make sure she was fine. He stopped once he hit a room that was far enough from the auditorium so that no one would hear him. Erik started humming a tune from the opera softly before it turned into him belting out the lyrics. 

He was met quickly with faces of pleased auditionee's. While he stared in horror, they all clapped quietly for him. The boy from earlier smiled at him and gave a friendly nod,

"You should've auditioned yourself, sir, you're really good." Erik gave an awkward yet friendly smile and looked down in utter embarrassment. He wasn't quite used to having people hear him sing.

"Well thank you, but I'm much too freakish for such a thing." Erik nodded at his comment before turning and disappearing through a separate door. 


Erik walked quietly through the empty halls. He walked back into the same room Christine and him were in earlier. He sat down on a velvet red loveseat, sighing heavily into his hands. 

"You're back?" That familiar voice made Erik's head shoot up. He could feel the warm hands press on to his shoulders, sending a shiver down his spine.

"I didn't realize you were still here." Erik looked over his shoulder to face her. Not knowing the expression to exhibit towards her, he stood up and nodded, forcing a faint smile.

"Yeah, I wanted to calm my nerves before callbacks."

"I understand that. Perhaps I could help calm them ever so slightly. Or try to." Erik's fake smile quickly turned to a small grin.

"If you think it'll work, it's worth a try." Miss Daae smiled and grabbed both of Erik's hands.

"All of us liked you very much. We were very pleased-" Christine crashed her lips on to Erik. She had no reason to, but she wanted to.

Erik was in complete shock. He took a step back, finding it difficult to keep his balance. He could only stare in response as she giggled quietly whilst. She was looking down to hide her crimson face. Perhaps it was the mystery behind the mask that drew her in or hearing him sing earlier that pleased her soul.

Erik, finally finding the courage to speak, nodded quickly, 

"Why'd you do that?"

"I don't know." She giggled.

"There has to be a reason why. There always is. I'm not mad, just curious." Erik looked at her with a faint smile.

Christine grinned back up at him, he was guaranteed at least a foot taller than her. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but he was tall.

"I don't know. It seemed right thou-" Erik had instantly pulled her into another tender kiss. The kiss lasting for what seemed hours before it finally broke. The two stared at each other before Christine finally spoke up,

"We should head back before they get curious,"

"That's a good idea. They wouldn't suspect such actions from me though. Not for a long time," Erik gave a small chuckle, "There's not much attraction under the mask."

Christine tilted her head to the side and pressed her lips together, "I'll see what's under there when you're ready to show me." she smiled softly. She grabbed his hand and led him back to the auditorium, dropping his hand right before they entered.

Erik waited a bit for her to go in before he did. Not entirely wanting to raise any suspicions. After a few minutes, he walked in and sat down next to Nadir and his father once more. 

The auditionee's lined up on the stage while the three gentlemen conversed over who they wanted. To those on the stage, it was clear there was a small argument going on in the small group. 

What could be wrong?

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