Chapter Seven

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If you told me two years ago that one day, I will escape and destroy David's experiment, have a life in which there will be no more wars or corrupted government, and that I won't be hunted 24/7. And instead, I will have a normal life, with a job and going out with "new" friends.

If you told me all that, I would have stared at you, my face blank, devoid of emotions and hope. I would have thought bitterly, Forget that one day that who knows when will come, I'd be lucky to survive for a day!

And yet, here I am, walking down the streets of Chicago at night, laughing and talking with my friends, on our way to a restaurant for dinner. 

I am wearing a peach-colored dress that goes past my knees, against my usual fashion style. I also have a white sweater to protect myself from the slightly chilly air and grey high tops for more comfort when walking. 

I declined Christina's offer to do my makeup, because I know she would have layered my face with powder and over done everything, like she usually does. But I did use the eyeliner and lip gloss, just for her sake. 

I look over at my friends, grinning. I'm actually surprised that Shauna and Zeke had not gotten married sooner, but nevertheless, I am glad I can take part and contribute to the wedding.

I wish Tobias and I could be together again.

I wasn't expecting to see him today at all. It's just to early. He looked the same as always, his dark brown hair cut Abnegation-short, his face set in an unreadable expression. And his eyes... the same dark blue that I love, that has the ability to drown out the rest of the world and make me feel safe.

I thought there will come a time when I won't feel like I'm about to turn to liquid, or burst into flames whenever he's around me. But no. Apparently, if you truly are attracted to someone, that will never comes to pass.

It sends a pang in my heart when he doesn't seem to recognize me, him more than the others, even though I decided to hide the truth.

"So where are we going again?" I ask. We've been walking for a while and we have not arrive to our destination yet.

"The Dauntless Diner, own by Harrison's brother." Shauna replies. "We're almost there, though. Just two more blocks."

"Four is already there with a table." Zeke says, checking his phone.

We turn the corner and came  to a small diner with glass walls and the sign "Dauntless Diner" on top. We enter the building and saw Four waving us over toward a table in the back. He is wearing a light-blue shirt with a collar that makes his eyes stand out and black jeans.

I ended up seating next to Four and Christina, like that first meal I had at Dauntless.

We exchange hellos, though Four avoids looking at me, and I know that I shouldn't complain, but I still feel hurt.

We all look over the menu and a few minutes later, a waiter comes to take our order.

"I'll have the salad with chicken nuggets," Shauna says, and Christina echos her. Zeke and Four went with hamburger and fries and a slice of Dauntless cake for everyone.

"And what would you like, miss?" The waiter asks me.

In truth, I have never went to a diner or a restaurant before in my entire life. I have always cook my own food or just grab the food that was already prepared. And even when we decide to eat take outs, Amanda would usually be the one to place the order. So I have no experience whatsoever in ordering for myself. Kinda pathetic, I have to agree.

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